The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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Book: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell by Douglas Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Howell
(until it got old) was the look on people faces, especially during the summertime when she wore shorts and a tank top. Oh, she heard a lot of very interesting comments about her height, ‘Hey how’s the weather up there?’ is the one that she heard most often. When she heard that comment she would say something like, ‘Fine. I think I can see Tacoma from up here.’ She took it all of those comments in good spirits, no matter how nasty they could be. It just reflected upon the type of a person that she is.
      Vaistll tried her best to past the time away the best way that she could. She knew that she may end up having to wait three to seven years before things change for her. There were times in which she got depressed. Looking into a mirror as she uses the nano-cloaking device and seeing a human staring back at her. It caused her to question her identity since she couldn’t be her true self out in public. She had nobody to relate to. It’s no wonder that she became depressed and an alcoholic again. At other times she felt like putting her survivor training to use by hiding out in the forest. Not once did she ever have the feeling that she wanted to go back to her home planet - not once. It was not because of what she had on the Earth, or the technology, but rather it was how she was treated back on her planet. She feared going back to her home planet more, than being caught by Langston’s cronies.
      She passed the time away watching movies at her apartment. Her favorite types of movies are: horror, comedy and action adventure. When it comes to horror movies she doesn’t like demon possession ones at all. When it comes to vampires movies there is only a half dozen that she likes. But it is those damn zombie movies that bother her the most. She didn’t care for them that much, they were on the bottom of her list. After she saw a few of them, she kept on having bad dreams about them. She thought that was strange since other horror movies didn’t have that same effect upon her. One day she finally figure it out, it was something that somebody said to her back on her home world. It was said at a time in which she was developing PTSD. What that person said was, ‘The dead walks.’ It didn’t change the way she felt about zombie movies. After all, the only thing those zombie movies where to her, were just one type of a horror movie for her to watch. But still those words, ‘The dead walks.’ If only people knew why it gave her nightmares... If only people knew why she won’t talk about that time period… If only she would open up and tell someone... One day she would tell someone, but it turns out to be Ramirez while they where on Roscadia.
      For Vaistll, living where she did at the time, it caused her to feel like a prisoner. The only reason why she felt that way was because, every time she tried to socialize, people’s attitude kept on pushing her away. She learned a lot about humans from watching TV, reading books, and magazines. She watched mostly educational programming, comedies (she’s one of those type of person who loves to laugh), and the news. She didn’t care too much for sports; after all she’s an intellectual. With women, they were too much like the fllaistl on her planet, so it told her that she won’t be able to fit in with them. Fllustl’s are not some girly-girl; they’re more of a tomboy. She thought that it was down right rude and disrespectful, when people thought that she was a shemale, or something else like that. Just because she’s 6’8,” and a tomboy, people think that she is a shemale. At least with a Project 21 agent she could tell them what she always does to people (who knows that she is an ET) who thinks that, ‘That’s your species, not mine.’ So why on Earth would she want to socialize with people like that, who treat her that way? Why indeed.
      Vaistll had mixed relations with Christians. One of the members of Project 21 is a Catholic. He is a loyal, devoted,

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