The Commitment

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Book: The Commitment by Kate Benson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Benson
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Military, Genre Fiction, War
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    “This is the coldest winter we’ve had in a few years,” she continues, oblivious to the ridiculous argument happening behind her. “Okay, are we ready for…”
    “Oh for the love of Pete,” I roll my eyes at him. “Is it safe for us to have sex?” I blurt out.
    “It should be fine,” she starts, unable to contain her smirk as she faces us. “I don’t see any reason why not.”
    “Okay,” I say, nodding and biting on my lip.
    When she notices my hesitation, she stills her hand on the chart she’s writing my information down on.
    “Is there something else?” she asks.
    “No ma’am,” I start, watching her glance back down at my chart. “Now, when I say sex, what exactly does that entail in your mind?”
    “I’m not…?”
    “Because I don’t mean like slow, tender, sweet sex,” I continue, ignoring the groan of embarrassment from my fiancé. “I mean like I need to know that it’s safe for him to really just… get in there , ya know?”
    “Oh my God,” Chase groans from beside me.
    “Is there anything that we shouldn’t be doing? Because we do a lot ,” I continue my nervous rambling. “And as you can probably guess by looking at him, he’s really packin’ some heat.”
    “Jesus Christ.”
    “What? We have to ask her, Baby,” I tell him, turning back to find her grinning at me. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
    “As long as you’re comfortable, it should be fine, Sophie,” she assures me, snickering when I let out a breath of relief. “Do you have any more questions or are you ready for your ultrasound?”
    “Nope, let’s do this!” I say, nervous when she begins pulling the machine close.
    “Okay,” she laughs, moving my gown so that she can apply the cold gel over my stomach.
    As she begins to swipe the wand over my skin, she explains what we can expect. At first, the image is awkward, but eventually, she begins to slow her movements and hones in on what she’s looking for.
    “Okay, this is your uterus,” she says, pointing to the circular shape on the monitor. “And do you see this cute little peanut right here?”
    “Yes ma’am?”
    “That,” she starts, the smile evident in her voice even though my eyes are locked on the screen. “Is your baby.”
    I thought there was nothing I could ever love as much as the woman I’m standing next to right now. However, as the doctor shows me the first image of our baby, I’m proven wrong.
    I’m rendered speechless as I stare at the monitor. I can’t see much since the ‘little peanut’ she’s pointing to is so small. I couldn’t tell you which end is the head or feet. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear this lady was a little nuts herself. However, the emotion surging through me proves without a doubt that this is real.
    That’s my baby . Someday, that perfect, tiny little peanut is going to call me daddy.
    After meeting my girl, I was pretty sure love at first sight was a very real thing. Any shred of doubt I may have had about that theory has just been effectively wiped from my mind.
    “Let’s see,” Dr. Swift says in a soft voice as she adjusts something. Within seconds, the most amazing, yet odd, galloping sound fills the room and causes tears to fall over onto my cheeks.
    “Is that…?” I manage, my voice cracking.
    The only thing in the world that could make me look away from this image squeezes my hand tightly. As a gentle sob leaves her lips, I glance down to find her eyes still locked on the monitor.
    “It is,” the doctor says, smiling up at us.
    Holy shit. Our baby has a heartbeat.
    My mind is reeling when her voice breaks my thoughts again.
    “That’s a very strong, healthy heartbeat from Baby Ryan.”
    “Mitchell,” Sophie corrects, her soft voice coming out in a sob as she continues to stare ahead at our baby. “Baby Mitchell.”

Chapter Seven
    As I climb behind the wheel of my truck, I pull Sophie closer to my side and glance down at the

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