The Colours of Love

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Book: The Colours of Love by Rita Bradshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Bradshaw
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when he took her in his arms again she returned his kiss with all her heart. The grass was dry and hay-like as he lowered her onto the ground, with foxgloves – tall and magnificent with their dappled bells – providing a natural screen to their hiding place. Esther didn’t feel shy as he undressed her and then himself, knowing that she wanted their first time to be here, alone in the open, with only the birds and butterflies and the odd little shrew witnessing their coming together.
    In spite of his desire, he kissed and touched her for a long time, and when he finally entered her, the brief discomfort was soon forgotten in her readiness for him.
    When they finally sat up her face was aglow, her long curly hair tumbling about her slim shoulders, having come loose from the elaborate style she had worn for the wedding. Monty put out his hand and touched her flushed face, his voice soft as he said, ‘I didn’t hurt you?’
    Funnily enough, in view of the intimacies they had just shared, the question made her feel shy. ‘No, you didn’t hurt me. It . . . it was wonderful.’
    ‘And we have a whole week ahead of us.’
    Esther smiled and then, high in the blue sky above them, they caught the low drone of aircraft. She felt a cold shiver snake down her spine. This war, this wretched war – how she hated Hitler and his Nazis. But Monty had come through the Battle of Britain, and he would come through the rest of the war. She had to believe that, along with Churchill’s promises that right would triumph over might.
    Her face must have revealed what she was thinking, because Monty’s hand covered hers. ‘Don’t worry.’
    ‘No, no, I won’t,’ she lied, giving herself a mental shake. ‘And, like you said, we have a whole week together. That’s a lifetime, and we must make the most of every moment.’
    ‘Well, we’ve certainly made a good start.’ He grinned at her and, ridiculously, she blushed. ‘I’d planned a romantic dinner and champagne and roses to seduce you, not an al-fresco romp in the altogether. Not that I’ve any complaints, I hasten to add, except . . . ’
    ‘This took me by surprise. I wasn’t prepared.’
    ‘Prepared?’ And then she realized what he meant. ‘Oh, everyone knows a girl can’t fall for a baby the first time,’ she said blithely. ‘And we’ll be careful from now on.’ They both wanted children, but only when the war was over and the world was safe.
    He pulled her to him, kissing her long and lingeringly, before standing up and pulling her up with him. ‘Get dressed, wench,’ he said ruefully, ‘before the temptation again proves too much.’ But, as she turned away, he swung her round, kissing her again and murmuring, ‘I shall love you to the day I die, and beyond – I can promise you that, in this uncertain world. You’re everything I ever dreamed of, and more, my darling.’
    He said such wonderful things and she was so lucky. The luckiest girl in the world.

Chapter Six
    ‘There’s no doubt, m’dear, no doubt at all.’ Dr Boyce surveyed Esther over the top of his glasses. ‘You’re expecting a baby and, from the dates you’ve given me, you can expect the happy arrival any time from the middle of April. One can never be too sure of the exact day – babies come when they are ready.’
    Esther stared at the smiling face of the village doctor. She’d suspected for a while that she might be pregnant, but had held onto the faint hope that the constant tiredness and absence of her monthlies could be put down to the hay-making, which had begun on the day she’d returned from her honeymoon, followed a few weeks later by the harvest. It had been an exhausting time. ‘But I haven’t felt sick once, Doctor.’
    ‘Not everyone does.’
    ‘But . . . ’ She stopped, faintly embarrassed.
    ‘We only did it once without . . . without taking precautions.’
    ‘Once is enough, m’dear, more than enough.’ Dr Boyce paused. He understood

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