The Color Purple

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Book: The Color Purple by Alice Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Walker
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he say. My job to love her and take her where she want to go.
    Harpo breathe some relief.
    Let’s dance, he say.
    Sofia laugh, git up. Put both arms round his neck. They slow drag out cross the floor.
    Harpo little yellowish girlfriend sulk, hanging over the bar. She a nice girl, friendly and everything, but she like me. She do anything Harpo say.
    He give her a little nickname, too, call her Squeak.
    Pretty soon Squeak git up her nerve to try to cut in.
    Harpo try to turn Sofia so she can’t see. But Squeak keep on tapping and tapping on his shoulder.
    Finally he and Sofia stop dancing. They bout two feet from our table.
    Shug say, uh-oh, and point with her chin, something bout to blow right there.
    Who dis woman, say Squeak, in this little teenouncy voice.
    You know who she is, say Harpo.
    Squeak turn to Sofia. Say, You better leave him alone.
    Sofia say, Fine with me. She turn round to leave.
    Harpo grab her by the arm. Say, You don’t have to go no where. Hell, this your house.
    Squeak say, What you mean, Dis her house? She walk out on you. Walk away from the house. It over now, she say to Sofia.
    Sofia say, Fine with me. Try to pull away from Harpo grip. He hold her tight.
    Listen Squeak, say Harpo, Can’t a man dance with his own wife?
    Squeak say, Not if he my man he can’t. You hear that, bitch, she say to Sofia.
    Sofia gitting a little tired of Squeak, I can tell by her ears. They sort of push back. But she say again, sorta end of argument like, Hey, fine with me.
    Squeak slap her up cross the head.
    What she do that for. Sofia don’t even deal in little ladyish things such as slaps. She ball up her fist, draw back, and knock two of Squeak’s side teef out. Squeak hit the floor. One toof hanging on her lip, the other one upside my cold drink glass.
    Then Squeak start banging on Harpo leg with her shoe.
    You git that bitch out a here, she cry, blood and slobber running down her chin.
    Harpo and Sofia stand side by side looking down at Squeak, but I don’t think they hear her. Harpo still holding Sofia arm. Maybe half a minute go by. Finally he turn loose her arm, reach down and cradle poor little Squeak in his arms. He coo and coo at her like she a baby.
    Sofia come over and git the prizefighter. They go out the door and don’t look back. Then us hear a car motor start.

    Harpo mope. Wipe the counter, light a cigarette, look outdoors, walk up and down. Little Squeak run long all up under him trying to git his tension. Baby this, she say, Baby that. Harpo look through her head, blow smoke.
    Squeak come over to the corner where me and Mr. _____ at. She got two bright gold teef in the side of her mouth, generally grin all the time. Now she cry. Miss Celie, she say, What the matter with Harpo?
    Sofia in jail, I say.
    In jail? She look like I say Sofia on the moon.
    What she in jail for? she ast.
    Sassing the mayor’s wife, I say.
    Squeak pull up a chair. Look down my throat.
    What your real name? I ast her. She say, Mary Agnes.
    Make Harpo call you by your real name, I say. Then maybe he see you even when he trouble.
    She look at me puzzle. I let it go. I tell her what one of Sofia sister tell me and Mr. ____.
    Sofia and the prizefighter and all the children got in the prizefighter car and went to town. Clam out on the street looking like somebody. Just then the mayor and his wife come by.
    All these children, say the mayor’s wife, digging in her pocketbook. Cute as little buttons though, she say. She stop, put her hand on one of the children head. Say, and such strong white teef.
    Sofia and the prizefighter don’t say nothing. Wait for her to pass. Mayor wait too, stand back and tap his foot, watch her with a little smile. Now Millie, he say. Always going on over colored. Miss Millie finger the children some more, finally look at Sofia and the prizefighter. She look at the prizefighter car. She eye Sofia wristwatch. She say to Sofia, All your children so clean, she say, would you like to work for

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