The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human

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Book: The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human by Joe Duck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Duck
    The thieving human flinched. “That’s different! My guild was given permission by His Majesty to—"
    “To loot and pillage?”
    “Yes, we have a special license to loot and pillage … huh?"
    "Ha! You are finally showing your true nature as an evil adventurer!"
    Emily's face turned crimson. She rummaged through her pouch and took out a silver coin, its metallic image of a decapitated head shining brightly in the afternoon sun. “Now, if you have a single coin like this, you could buy some of those delightful deep-fried sticks.” She held the coin before my eyes and grinned. “But I’m sure that a mighty angel like yourself wouldn’t want to eat anything if it means spending the money of an 'evil adventurer.'”
    The smell of fried vegetables assaulted my nose again, seducing me with its irresistible aroma. My stomach rumbled and tightened, pressuring me to pay tribute. “Wait… wait, let’s not be too hasty. Can I have the coin? Please?”
    She stuck her tongue out. “Maybe if you got down on your knees and licked my boot clean, I would be generous enough to reward you.”
    I scratched the back of my neck. The food smelled so good, but the act of licking dirt seemed wrong somehow.
    Emily placed her hands on her hips and laughed. "I knew it! You don't have the guts!"
    Her words cut deep. I had to prove her wrong. So, in one fluid move, I dropped to my knees, bent over and licked her left boot. The leathery shoe tasted awful, and the gritty dried mud on it only made it worse. Trying not to taste it, I continued to lick the boot, scraping it as clean as I could.
    Human voices grew louder, many of them making mean comments about my decision to lick the boot and probably enjoying my humiliation.
    Next to me, a metallic sound of a coin bouncing against the cobblestones echoed to my ears. Curious why she would drop the coin when I wasn't finished, I looked up.
    Emily’s mouth was wide open. The fingers that had held onto the coin shook uncontrollably. She glanced around at the now silent crowd around us. “I... No. He just. I didn't make him! You have to believe me.”
    Figuring that I had done my job, I snatched the silver coin off the ground and dashed towards the human selling his delicious food. The humans parted and made way for me, allowing me to reach the stand in seconds. Ignoring the loud mumbling behind me, I placed the coin on the wooden counter. I smiled at the man behind the cart, who bowed, but refused to meet my eyes. “Can I get two sticks?”
    The man lifted his head, studied the coin, then me, his face muddled with confusion as if I had given him a broken pencil. “Your Holiness, it would be improper for me to sell anything to you. Maybe I can just give you something for free?”
    I flinched at this horrific words. "What? No! If I take your food, I would be stealing from you. Think of the children!"  Wait. Maybe the trade isn't fair. Should I have brought two silver coins?
    Well, she does have two boots.
    Still, unwilling to taste the boot again, I used the magic word. “Please?”
    The human hesitated, then handed me three skewers and pushed the coin back to me. “No, I cannot take your money. If the temple found out that I’ve profited—”
    A man screamed. I spun around to face the source of the commotion and found Emily had her staff aimed at a dozen humans armed with shovels and pickaxes. Between them, a large man whose legs were frozen to the ground separated her from the mob.
    The man with the frozen legs hollered. “What are you waiting for? Put the witch down and free the angel from her enchantment!”
    I dropped the skewers and burst into a sprint, readying my wings for flight.
    The Codex vibrated.  Wait, Narius! You shouldn’t fly!
    I can’t let them get hurt because of me!  I jumped, then, with my built up momentum, spread my wings, desperate to save the poor humans from Emily.
    I took flight and, just as swiftly, pain shot across my wings. The wind beneath me

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