The Cleric's Vault

Read Online The Cleric's Vault by Ernest Dempsey - Free Book Online

Book: The Cleric's Vault by Ernest Dempsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ernest Dempsey
the young woman next to him, but she had only
stretched for a few seconds and then gone back to sleep.   “Don’t make me regret putting you on
this assignment, James.   You and
Angela are my best agents.   I have
made you privy to things that only a precious few know about.   If you fail me, you know what the
consequences are.”  
was silence.   Then, “Of course
sir.   We won’t fail you or the
that, Eric hit the end button on the display and set the phone back down on the
little table.   He looked back over
at the silhouette of the naked woman underneath a thin sheet, accented by the
streetlights of Washington D.C. coming through his second-story window.   She’d been vigorous early, a real
pleasure to bring home.   He
wondered if she would be at this hour of the evening as he reached over and
slipped his arm around her waist.   Besides, he needed something to take his mind of the problem that had
arisen in the desert.

    Chapter 14
    Las Vegas, Nevada

whipped the Audi SUV out onto Las Vegas Boulevard and pressed hard on the gas.   They sped down the strip passing the
Palazzo, Wynn and Encore as well as the last few major Casinos in the
area.   The car’s unique strip of
LED headlights did little to change the brightly lit streets of the
Boulevard.   “Ok girls, someone
needs to tell me exactly what is going on and right now would probably be the
best time to do it.”   Sean said as
he leaned forward from the back seat.  
had been a fun vacation with some gambling and maybe a few shows had turned
into a bloodbath inside his favorite hotel.  
of the less famous spots in the city blurred by as their driver tried to make
sure she hit every green light possible.  
their luck ran out and she slammed on the brakes at a red light.
looked around in all the mirrors to make sure they weren’t being followed
before speaking. “You friend is right.   They are with the group that calls themselves The Order of the Golden
cast him a quick glance as if to say, “I told you so.”
light turned green and Adriana continued talking, satisfied that they were safe
for the moment.   “Ms. Starks, what
you think you know about this organization is irrelevant to what they are
capable of and the extent of their reach.”   She gave a look out of the corner of her eye as a warning.
do you know what I know about them?” Starks replied.
      “I don’t,” Adriana responded.   “But I know how your government works
and your agencies usually never know the whole story.”  
ignored the slighted glance from Starks.   “I have been following their movements and actions for some time.   They have been extremely active over
the last year, as Ms. Starks made you aware of earlier, Senor Wyatt.   However, no one in the intelligence
community seems to know why they have all of the sudden started moving pieces
on the chessboard of the world again.   I do.”
just why is that?” Emily interrupted.
have been looking for the Golden Chambers of Akhanan,” Adriana gave Sean a
quick look.  
that much we know.   But we beat
them to the first one, and I don’t think they are going to come anywhere close
to the next one.   We took care of
that little problem.”   Sean spoke
with a little swagger in his voice.
you?” she asked.   “I would say from
the events of the evening so far that you are incorrect in that
assessment.”   She made another
quick turn and merged on to a highway leading out of town.  
are we going?” Emily looked suspicious.  
looked straight ahead into the darkness outside the city.   “Somewhere safe.”
the vehicle became silent as she drove.   For fifteen minutes no one said anything.   The lights of the city began fading further and further away
until the town was just a bright spot in the middle of the desert.   The

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