The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld

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Book: The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld by K. N. Lee, Ann Wicker Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. N. Lee, Ann Wicker
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The Netherworld vampires in ancient times.
    New world vampires could not reproduce because they had once been human, and so their only way of increasing their numbers was to bite and turn other humans. They were not as powerful as the Netherworld vamps, because Netherworld vamps were born from pure blood mothers and fathers.
    Koa knew that what she was doing was dangerous, but as Halston liked to always say, Koa always preferred to learn the hard way. If it was too easy, then she just wasn’t interested. This time, however, Koa could feel deep down that this was not a good idea. She almost turned back, that is, until she smelled blood.
    Human blood. Her eyes nearly rolled back into her head at the overwhelming scent. It wasn’t just a hint of blood. It was a feast of it.
    Spilled blood. She pushed her anxiety aside and checked to make sure her sword was intact. It was attached to her belt and in its closed state it wasn’t much bigger than a dagger in the guise of a simple baton.
    Her face was set in newfound determination as she walked up to the metal door. She cracked her knuckles and drew a breath of the cool night air.
    Koa needed answers. She refused to wait any longer. All she wanted in the world was to avenge her father’s death and break her mother’s curse.
    Koa knocked twice and waited.
    Koa expected to be immediately dismissed once they took a look at her, but when the young looking vampire opened the door, she was beheld with bewilderment. The tall, gangly lad stuttered when he laid eyes on her. His eyes looked her up and down.
    Koa felt her stomach flip. He knew who she was. This is not good, she thought, but stood her ground.
    “Wat you want, ey?”
    Koa had practiced so many answers to this very question. Now as she stood before a real Netherworld vamp, her throat went dry.
    He stared at her with the same wide eyed expression. He blinked. His eyes were a dark blue, like the sea at night, and were set under the thickest eyebrows she had ever seen. His face was thin and hollow as if he was malnourished. She could see the bones in his face.
    “Your leader,” her voice cracked. She swallowed and tried again. “I wish to speak to him, or her.”
    He nodded and rubbed his fists in his hand. “Right. Right. Come in then.”
    Koa watched him step out of the way and hold the door open for her. She looked into a large open studio and gulped. The Netherworld vamps were everywhere. The place was set up like a lounge. The lights were dim and cast a soft orange glow on everything. Koa hated how loud her heels sounded on the gray, concrete, floor.
    There were women walking around in nothing but their panties. They walked around as if in a trance. Glamour , Koa thought as she watched some of the rough looking vamps feast on the women who did nothing but sit in their laps with blank expressions on their paling faces.
    There was a cloud of smoke that lingered in the air, making the room look as if a fog had settled.
    Koa hesitated. She felt foolish for leaving her communication watch at the safe house. She didn’t want Halston to track her. Now, Halston would never find her if something went wrong.
    Buck up , Koa, she thought to herself. You can do this without him . For a second, she almost believed it. Too late to run now.
    She nodded, sucked in a long breath to motivate herself, and stepped inside. The close of the door behind her sounded so final. Every inch of her was on alert. These vamps were unlike any she’d ever encountered. The Netherworld vamps were the purest of them all, and the males looked at her as if she was a piece of meat.
    Koa’s eyes scanned the room. There were four windows, barred and covered with black tent. A standard wooden bar stood in the corner of the large room. One vamp tended it, wiping it down, and pouring liquor into shot glasses. She immediately counted twelve other vamps and six dead human bodies

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