The Christmas Tree Bear: A Bear Shifter Paranormal Holiday Romance

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Book: The Christmas Tree Bear: A Bear Shifter Paranormal Holiday Romance by Rosie Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosie Lynne
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Chapter 6
    Willis blinked awake in the early morning hours.  The storm had stopped; he couldn’t hear the wind any more.  The fire had died down to embers.  He had managed to wiggle his left foot out from under the blankets, and his toes were freezing.  He dragged his foot back under the blanket and managed to stick it right on Charlie’s leg.
    “Nooooo,” Charlie moaned.  She tried to kick Willis away while still burrowing into his chest.
    He chuckled.  He gave the top of her head a kiss before slowly disengaging himself from their nest of blankets.  Charlie muttered sleepily and quickly took over his warm spot as he sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed.  He watched her like that for a moment, mostly asleep and her face relaxed in dreams.  He realized she had a faint line of freckles around her nose.  It was adorable.  He hoped he got to wake up to it more often.  Then he hoped this was even still an option after last night’s events, surprising Charlie with being a bear shifter.
    When his bare feet hit the cold floor, he swore a blue streak.  Willis made haste to the fireplace and the small rug by the hearth.  He dumped another log on the fire and stroked the embers slowly back to life.  When he turned back to bed once the fire was started again, he found Charlie sitting up and watching him.
    “Morning,” he slurred.  Then yawned.  “Sleep at all?”
    “Like a log.”  Charlie’s voice was raspy.  From all the yelling they did last night, he thought.  She patted the bed next to her.  “Come back to bed.  Everything is cold without you.”
    That made Willis snort, even as he climbed back across the bed the long way.  “Is that all I am to you?  A blanket warmer?” he teased, all hope.
    Charlie gave him a sleepy smile.  “Yes,” she agreed, and pulled him down into the blankets.  She wasted no time in wrapping herself around him.  “How are you so warm?”
    “Bear thing,” he reminded her, then kissed the side of her neck because it was there.  She was there.  His person, all warm and snuggling, wrapped about him.  Until she shoved her cold feet up his pant legs.  “Fuck!”  
    She blinked cutely at him.  “But I’m cold.”
    “Cold, huh?”  He tackled her down to the bed, and they both laughed as they play struggled with each other, twisting themselves utterly up in the sheets.
    He meant for it to be a quick kiss.  Then, it was another kiss.  Then another.  Play-wrestling turned into settling over Charlie as they kissed deeply.  She wrapped her legs around his hips and arched up into his mouth when he trailed his lips down her neck.
    “Willis,” she breathed.
    It made his blood burn to hear her whisper his name like that.  He slipped his hands slowly up her sweatshirt, giving her a chance to tell him no.  She breathed out sharply once he stroked his thumb across the underside of her breasts.  He cupped both of them in his palms:  just right.  With a little wiggling, they managed to get her out of her borrowed sweatshirt.  His own followed suit, which he tossed over the edge of the bed.
    Her long hair spread out on the pillow; the fire light cast her pale skin the same red and gold color.  Her nipples were a pale pink set in heavy breasts.  His mouth watered, and he leaned in to lick one into his mouth.  Charlie choked out a moan above him, but cradled his head as he suckled her nipple into a hard peak.  He switched breasts, sucking and licking, while he squeezed her other breast.  
    “So good,” he whispered.  
    Charlie whimpered.
    He pulled himself free.  Charlie was just so beautiful, all rosy from the heat of the fire and lust that he had to kiss her again.  He surged forward, and their teeth clacked together before they could right themselves.  She was making these tiny little noises, half whimpers but half moans, and twisting her fingers into his

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