“Probably,” Michael responded, “but everything is so messed up now that it’s hard to know where they took him. I just hope that we can find him and stir up some public support for him.”
“Here’s a message from Kyle,” Keith remarked as he looked at his computer screen. “He says that he ’ ll get right on it and try to find out exactly where Nate is. In the meantime, he wants to know if there ’ s anything else you want him to do.”
“Yes!” Jeff spoke for the first time since he had entered the room. “ I want him to set up the Fa ther Nathan O’Brien website. We ’ ll use it to get his story out to the public. We ’ ll put his picture on it and tell about him as a person as well as about his work as a priest. We ’ ll let people get to know him and get to care about him.
“Mike, you can write up some personal stuff about him. About his college days, his community work, his homeless shelters, his job training programs—all the stuff that makes him human. If we tell our story right, people will begin to think of him as a friend, and we ’ ll have public sentiment on our side. ”
Keith spoke, “I didn’t spend all those years as a journalist for nothing. I was a photographer, but I also wrote a lot of news stories. When you’re working under primitive conditions to get the stories back to the network, you do some of everything. I know how to use media. Mike, you write up the basic info, and I’ll do the rewrites. Kyle knows how to design a website that’ll have the whole country logging on. I think we have exactly the right team to get this job done.”
Kyle thought that they should call the website Where in the World is Father O’Brien? and set it up as a sort of scavenger hunt. Michael and Jeff were not on-board when he first floated the idea, but he convinced them that the more attention they could get for the website, the better. “I mean, it do esn ’t matter how sad it is, man,” he had told them , “if it do es n’t get nobody’s attention, it’s not gonna do any good. One t hing I learned when I was workin’ for G is that people are exposed to thousands of internet images every day. If your image doesn’t g rab their attention in three seconds, they’re gone, man.”
Michael had told Keith that they would “think about it” and get back to him. After both Michael and Jeff had prayed about it and slept on it, however, they believed that this was the right course to take, and they gave Keith and Kyle the green light .
Michael fed Keith great stories from college and the intervening twenty years that gave the reader an in-depth look into the man and his faith. Michael also had old photos of Nate playing basketball, working in a soup kitchen during his college spring break , and conducting a wedding service . Kyle posted these to the website along with information about Father O’Brien’s last sighting. The website simply stated that Father O’Brien was last seen leaving Queen of Peace Catholic Church with four unidentified men. Everyone was asked to help solve the mystery of his disappearance. The website stated that clues and opinions provided by readers would be posted, and anyone providing information that led to finding Father O’Brien would be given the title of “ Superhero of the Year.”
The website accomplished exactly what Michael and Keith had hoped it would. Soon Father Nathan O’Brien’s name was trending on T witter. Thousands of people were posting information about him on their F acebook pages —a post about Father O’Brien was certain to be shared. Within two weeks Father Nathan O’Brien had become a household name ; e veryone , from teens to seniors , knew his story , and e veryone had an opinion about his disappearance. Some hated him sol ely because he was a priest, and others considered him to be a great hero for precisely the same reason, but everyone knew his story.
Jessie had been able to determine within hours of his
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