The Chosen One

Read Online The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams - Free Book Online

Book: The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Lynch Williams
Tags: General, Juvenile Fiction
here. “Soft.”
    Mariah opens her mouth in a yawn. Rubs at her eyes.
    Father says, “Strip her down, Kyra. Do it. Like Hyrum says.”
    “Father,” I say. “Please no.”
    My father can’t look at me. He doesn’t spank us, like some of the other fathers do. He seldom raises his voice at us. He hugs us, loves us, laughs with us.
    “Kyra,” he says after a moment, “please, be obedient. This is an Apostle of the Lord.”
    I take Mariah from Mother Claire. I take the baby on my hip. She smiles right at me and reaches for my face.
    “Water, Claire,” Uncle Hyrum says. “And ice.”
    I take my time removing Mariah’s clothes. My heart thumps.
    From the kitchen I can hear Mother Claire filling the tin basin first with ice. Then with water.
    “Sweet, baby,” I say. “Sweet Mariah.” I think I’m getting a headache. There’s a pain behind my eyes.
    Mariah’s naked in my arms. She pulls at my bottom lip and lets out a gurgle of a laugh.
    “Cover her nakedness, Kyra,” Uncle Hyrum says. His Adam’s apple bobs up and down. “You know nakedness is an abomination before God.”
    I wrap the baby the best I can in her clothing.
    “Take her to her mother,” Uncle Hyrum says.
    Mother Claire stands in the doorway now. Water drips from her hands to the linoleum.
    I jostle Mariah. “No wait,” I say. “Please.”
    “Take her in to Sister Claire,” Uncle Hyrum says.
    Mother Claire doesn’t move. Neither do I.
    “Claire,” Father says. I can almost not hear him. It’s like his voice and body don’t go together. I see his mouth move, but I don’t hear hardly anything.
    Uncle Hyrum grits his teeth so loud it’s like he grinds sand between them.
    “She’s quiet now,” Mother Claire says. “Look how good she is.”
    “Speak only when I speak to you,” Uncle Hyrum says.
    Mariah turns to me. Her eyes go squinty with her smile. Her bottom lip is fat and wet. I lean in to kiss her just as she opens her mouth to laugh again. I catch nothing but air.
    “Discipline,” Uncle Hyrum says to Father, “is God’s way to raising righteous children. It’s a way you can move up in leadership. I’ve been telling you this for years, Richard.” He shakes his head as if this is the one thing that has kept Father from advancing with The Chosen Ones.
    Words jumble in my head. Panic sets in. I can feel it all along my skin, the panic crawling over me. If I run right now , I think, holding Mariah close, maybe, just maybe, I can catch up to Patrick and the Ironton County Mobile Library on Wheels. And he can drive Mariah and me somewhere, anywhere . The words tumble in my head as I try them out to see if they’re possible.
    Mother Claire holds her hands out to take the baby. They tremble. She won’t look me in the eye. She won’t look Father or Uncle Hyrum in the eye either. She cuddles Mariah to her chest. Her belly supports Mariah’s bare bottom.
    “Deliver the punishment,” Uncle Hyrum says. He glances around the room. I don’t know what he’s looking for. Everyone else has been sent away. But I can see by looking at his face that he’s disgusted with my father. His teeth just work. There’s that empty space where his tooth should be. Will he end up spitting ground teeth into his hand? “You do it, Kyra,” Uncle Hyrum says to me.
    I look at Father, my eyes wide. Then I shake my head. “Why me?”
    “Just do it,” Uncle Hyrum says.
    But this, this I will never do. Ever.
    “God and our Prophet teach us . . .”
    I won’t listen.
    “Kyra,” Father says. He touches my arm. “Your uncle is an Apostle of God.”
    “I’ve trained my own,” Uncle Hyrum says. “I know the way. God directs. You’ll do this when you are my wife. You’ll do it now.”
    Mariah laughs at her mother.
    “Take the baby, Kyra,” Uncle Hyrum says. His voice is sharp as a knife. Filled with anger. But I don’t care.
    “Administer the punishment,” he says.
    “I won’t,” I say.
    “No,” I say.
    “Never,” I

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