The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) by Chaiene Santos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chaiene Santos
detection they tried to
continue the life they had in that great city. For safety, they left a
recording system activated to protect them from a possible sabotage, if Merko
found Science II. Little Wolf, the robot-dog was also on the ship to defend it
from possible intruders.
    One day, Drako went to a lottery and hit the jackpot and earned a
good fortune. A few days later, he went to the bank to receive it and
distributed money to his friends. Everyone needed some money to survive in the
planet. Sivoc, noticing what he had done, decided to question him while the
others listened with attention:
    “Where did you get so much money, Drako?”
    “Sir, I researched in the past database the winning numbers from the
day before yesterday and use them. I thought we could use the money to survive
here in this planet. Everything here has a price.”
    “I believe your intentions were good, because you wanted to help us
in our mission. But I don’t think that a competitive advantage over the others
participants of the betting is fair. You must return what you won.”
    They all were surprised, and Tibor was already looking at his beautiful
watch, which he bought at a store on 5th Avenue. They were embarrassed by the
order of their master and in fact they knew nothing about the origin of the
amounts distributed by Drako.
    “But, sir! I haven’t done anything wrong.”
    “You know that our principles about acquiring things by dishonest
means. Return what you won to its real owners.”
    Zara decided to intercede:
    “Commander, it’d be better if he distributed what’s left of the amount
to charity organizations, it would be difficult to explain to the lottery why he
was returning the award. They could find it strange and inform the press, which
would cause us a big problem. We can split a small amount for our survival here
on this planet just what is necessary to fulfill our mission. If we make copies
of their currency would also be a questionable mean of acquiring resources.
Tomorrow we should make a deposit for an institution that supports abandoned
children or a Non-governmental organization that works with refugees from wars.
    “Sir, I agree with Zara,” since our mission has to be discreet,
distributing the proceeds for the people who needed will be the best solution,
and no one will know where the resources came from. We just need to know the bank
account of the NGO.” Nicolas said.
    “Okay. I think it’s the best decision. Do like they said, Drako.
Search in the database files, which institutions are in need of financial help
and their respective bank accounts. However, I don’t want you to take this kind
of decision again without consulting me first.”
    Tibor looked at his beautiful watch and, embarrassed, asked:
    “Sir, how will I be able to return this watch?”
    “Fine. You can have this one. I wouldn’t know what to do with it.
Honestly, Tibor, our teleportation watches are much more beautiful.” Sivoc
replied and continued, smiling. “Besides, isn’t it heavy for your arm to use
two watches?”
    Tibor was quiet and hid one arm behind his back with half a smile in
his face.
    Nicolas wanted to be active while they waited for the day to travel
to planet Vida.
    Reluctantly, Sivoc allowed him to find an activity. However, he was
quite firm in the need for him to be discreet and to keep away from problems,
to do not catch the attention especially of his enemies. This was even more
critical now that they knew about the boy’s telekinetic powers, which needed to
be controlled at all costs.
    Nicolas began working as an intern in the Laboratory of Technology
Research in Gravitational Physics. He couldn’t stay away from physics, which,
professionally, was what he loved the most. Working as an intern he could see the
researches without disobeying the orders of the commander.
    On his first day of work, using the fake name of Carlos Miguelito, and
ID prepared by Drako, he was cleaning one of the labs and

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