The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) by Chaiene Santos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chaiene Santos
managed to
intercept our communications with the planet Vida.”
    “I think the best thing to do now would be to teleport ourselves to
Science II, where the communication and tracking equipment is being kept. We
need to contact Kenan once again and this will only be possible from there.”
    “Good point, Drako. I think this is the best option at the moment.
Let’s all go to the ship, so no one will be caught off guard or alone here.”
Sivoc agreed.
    “Nicolas, this is a good opportunity for you to transform yourself
for the first time. You need to adapt to the new extraterrestrial form that you’ll
use on the planet Vida. You’ll have to live like everyone else.” Zara said.
    So, they all positioned their glasses, synchronized their clocks and
returned to the ship. Nicolas also had to put his transmutation glasses, which
he had won from his extraterrestrial friends, right after the surgery. He felt
as if he was one of them. He didn’t quite understand why, but he acquired a
great fondness with them.”
    He looked through the window that reflected his forms and noticed
that his large eyes had more lateral field of vision. His big brain seemed
disproportionate to the rest of the body. He raised his hand and saw the three
fingers that now he possessed. He stuck his tongue out and noticed it was small,
suited to its oral cavity. Now he was the one who was transformed, so he got
scared and wondered if he would be able to get back to his human form. He put
his fingers over the nostrils, which were only two small holes.
    “Where are my ears? And what if the others disappear and leave me
here with this form? How will I live my life like this?” He wondered.
    Although a few weeks have passed since his operation, Nicolas hadn’t
seen his new form yet. He was appalled and amazed at the same time. He never
thought that he could go through so many experiences and adventures in his life
at the same time. Discovering life on other planets, state-of-the-art
technologies and explanations about the evolution of mankind. He imagined that
when he arrived at the planet Vida, he would certainly discover more things.
    Meanwhile, on the planet Vida, the King Zador II thought of his
daughter and wanted some news about the search of the earthling on the planet Earth.
He really trusted in Kenan, one of his counselors who were the son of a close friend
of his father. Kenan had great confidence in Sivoc, because of his missions,
always putting the value the life factor.
    Kenan, as per the King request decided to contact the Science II
ship. At that time, all of them were already inside the ship when a red light
in the holographic screen started flashing, accompanied by an intermittent
beep. It was the advisor appearing on the screen.”
    “Someone answer please.” He said.
    “Listening, Lord Kenan.” Drako answered.
    “Did you find the earthling?”
    “Yes, sir. He’s under our care.” Sivoc said. “We’re waiting for the
next space-time gap that should occur very soon.”
    “Watch out for Merko’s team. They must be close. I hope you can
accomplish the mission without problems. King Zador told me that he’s hoping for
the success of your team.” Kenan replied.
    Immediately Radof took the communications interceptor device to his
master and they discovered the location. Within minutes, they identified
exactly where the signal came from.
    Mirov contacted Merko informing the news about Sivoc’s ship.
    Merko’s intention was to capture the earthling, kidnapping him. And
freeze the crew of Science II inside their ship. They would be back to the
planet Vida one year after the success of the mission of Challenge I. So, they
wouldn’t create problems.
    The danger was coming closer!
    Once they finished the contact with Kenan, the crew of Science II
returned to New York.
    Still gathered, they discussed all the possibilities and decided
that the best alternative was to remain hidden. Without

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