The Childe

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Book: The Childe by C. A. Kunz Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Kunz
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disappearing, until she was looking at an empty mirror. The lights dimmed and then she was in total darkness. Don’t panic Cat! This is all a part of it! She thought. Sighing, she was relieved when the lights slowly flickered on and she could see her reflection again. That was weird. This place is totes giving me the wiggins. I need to find everyone and get out of here. Turning around she caught a glimpse of a dark figure in the distance. The mirror in front of her shifted and the figure disappeared. The room became freezing cold and Cat could see her breath. What the hell’s going on? That’s it, I’m out of here! Scanning side to side Cat began to panic, looking for the exit. With her heart pounding, she began pushing the mirrors to see if she could move one herself. Reflected in the mirror she was attempting to move, Cat saw the mirror behind her opening, exposing the dark figure. The hood of its cloak was pulled slightly back revealing its bright red curly hair. Terrified, she screamed hoping someone would hear her. She shivered as her cry echoed over and over.
    “Catherine! I need to…” the figure called out. Before it could finish, the mirror Cat was desperately trying to open gave way, causing her to fall forward, hitting her head.

    “Cat! Cat wake up! Cat! Elle, go get someone! Cat, can you hear me? Matt, go help Elle,” Julie ordered, rubbing Cat’s hand.
    “Out of my way, out of my way, what’s going on here?” A man as tall as he was round pushed Julie and Amanda away from Cat, speaking into a two way radio. “Yes, get in here now! We’ve got a fainter. Yeah, she’s breathing. No, I don’t know why she fainted! Get your ass in here now!”
    Looking at Julie and Amanda, he pointed at a mirror behind them. “Push on that mirror, that’s right, now when it clicks, push it again.” To Julie and Amanda’s amazement the mirror moved and they could see a hallway leading outside. A person was hurrying down the corridor toward them, carrying a small case. As he got closer they realized he was a paramedic.
    “Okay everyone, clear a path. What happened here?” the paramedic asked hurriedly.
    “We don’t know, we got separated from her, heard her screaming and then we found her like this,” Julie explained, concern filling her eyes.
    “Does she suffer from low blood sugar?”
    “No, I don’t think so,” Julie replied.
    “Well let’s check her vitals. Look! She’s coming around! Guys stand by!” he barked into his shoulder radio. “The patient’s coming around, over and out. Well, little lady, just lay there. No, don’t try to get up,” he said, gently suppressing her attempt to sit up.
    “What…what happened, where…am I? Julie…Amanda?” Cat focused her eyes on their faces, confused at why they looked so worried.
    “Now, how do you feel? Do you hurt anywhere?” he asked, intently looking at her.
    “No…I…I don’t hurt. I remember…I…nothing.” Cat stopped as she remembered what happened. The dark figure. The one I saw from the carousel. How did it know my name? I don’t think I should say anything about it right now . “I think I know…why I passed out. I haven’t eaten since breakfast…maybe I need…to eat something.”
    “Yes, that could be it, can you stand?” the paramedic asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.
    “Yeah…I think so. I feel so stupid. Sorry guys, I guess this will teach me to skip a meal, huh?” Cat tried to laugh but it sounded hollow.
    “I’ll go get you something Cat,” Amanda said as she started walking down the hallway. “I’ll be right back.”
    “Okay, okay let’s get her out of here. We’ve got to restart the attraction. There’s a crowd waiting outside, and they’re getting impatient,” barked the rotund man. Cat stood up. With the help of Julie and the paramedic, she walked down the hallway to the exit. The rotund man followed, pushing the mirror back into place, muttering something about young girls and not eating

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