The Call of Kerberos

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Book: The Call of Kerberos by Jonathan Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Oliver
Tags: Science-Fiction
did those things attack us?"
    "I don't understand it myself, but when I rescued you it appeared that the creatures had come for you specifically."
    "The thing with the staff called me 'half-breed.'"
    Emuel let out a gasp at that and everybody turned to look at him. Though they were braced for a return of the eunuch's visions, none came.
    "Yes, we have heard that term quite recently in fact." Father Maylan said, nervously eyeing Emuel.
    "That tattooed retard practically gave us all a heart attack screaming about it." Jacquinto said.
    "He does have a name!" Kelos snapped.
    Jacquinto sneered but otherwise held his tongue.
    "Have you any idea what the creature may have meant by 'half-breed'?" Kelos turned his attention back to Silus.
    "It was just evil." Katya said. "Just a creature. It didn't make any sense."
    "The thing showed me a vision. But it may mean nothing. It may just have been leading me along." Silus said.
    "Even so," Dunsany said, "it was something important to them."
    As Silus explained what the thing that called itself Belck had revealed to him, Katya looked at her husband in bemused horror. For the creature to have thought that Silus was one of them was just beyond ridiculous.
    "I must say that it does seem unlikely." Kelos said. "For a start you display none of the traits of these Chadassa."
    "Half man, half fish!" Ioannis laughed. "One tattooed maniac, a renegade priest, two ex-members of the Faith, a pregnant lady and us. Yup, this is far more entertaining than sneaking in crates of booze by dusk."
    "Sorry, but you seem to be presuming that we're part of the crew." Silus said.
    "As Kelos has already pointed out, Katya will be well looked after here on Sarcre and you will be paid handsomely for your time." Dunsany said. "Besides, it is likely that the first expedition will only be for about four weeks. After all, we don't know that there is anything beyond Twilight."
    "Apart from sea demons." Kelos said.
    "Dunsany, have you ever been married?" Katya said. She felt an anger that was threatening to unleash itself on the people surrounding her, but as she spoke to the sailor, her voice was calm and level.
    "The sea is my mistress." Dunsany said.
    "Your right hand is your mistress." Ignacio said and Ioannis slapped the table as he roared with laughter.
    "You men are clearly a bunch of cretins!" Katya shouted. "What you are proposing is not going to be some jolly boy's outing, it is going to be your deaths. Firstly you have the Final Faith on your tail and, secondly, even if you do manage to make it beyond Twilight those sea demons are going to tear you apart."
    "I would have to agree with my wife." Silus said. "This expedition, everything about it, sounds preposterous."
    "Ah, but you have yet to see our unique ship." Dunsany said. "Did you know that it can actually sail under water?"
    "For that matter I too have yet to see this ship." Father Maylan said. "In fact, we just have the words of yourself and Kelos regarding the pedigree of the Llothriall ."
    "It better be as good as you say," Ioannis said. "For every day that we sit here talking about plans and theorising we are losing money."
    "If you're going to sail away from all these problems, then you better have something that is nothing short of spectacular." Katya said.
    "In that case - and to forestall further argument - I suggest that we all make a visit to the Llothriall ." Dunsany said. "Katya, can I persuade you to come along?"
    Katya's gaze still burned with anger, but eventually she nodded and it was she who was the first to follow him as they left the house.
    Querilous Fitch looked up from his notes as they brought the prisoner into the room. This time the thing did not fight against its restraints as it was bound into the chair. Its head lolled against its chest and the pitch black of its eyes had faded to a dark, milky grey.
    "Good God! How much sedative did you give it?" Fitch asked one of the warders.
    "Not enough. Bloody thing near tore off

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