The Bride Spy
confused me.”
    “I noticed.”
    Christopher pinched the bridge of his nose. “I feel this need to protect her.”
    Vincent smiled. “Clearly.”

    Christopher stood and paced the room. “Of course, it’s only been one day.”
    “Sometimes that’s al it takes, Son.”
    “Perhaps.” Christopher frowned. “I don’t have time for this.
    I’m expecting an update from Clayton, who wil be here tomorrow, I would imagine. I’m uncertain what to do with Miss Nelson.”
    His father chuckled. “Chris, you’l do the right thing, you always do. But it would appear Miss Nelson has made a big impression on you.”
    Christopher paused with a grunt. “I suppose you could say that.”
    “What about Delilah?”
    Christopher grimaced. “This might sound insensitive, but Hannah makes Delilah look like…I don’t know…the words escape me. Hannah’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
    “Wel , I hope you’l fol ow your heart, rather than logic.”
    “I thought you were going to give me sage wisdom and tel me what to do.”
    His father smiled. “I am giving you sage wisdom. Fol ow your heart. That’s what I did with your mother and believe me, she fought me tooth and nail.”
    Christopher smiled. “Yes, Father, Mama’s a firecracker.”
    Setting his empty glass on the desk, his father pushed away from the desk. “Just make sure you treat Delilah with respect when you let her down. She’l be disappointed.”
    Christopher grunted his response as he sat again and sipped his whiskey. The advice didn’t real y help him. He had a lot to think about over the coming weeks, and having a beautiful woman drop into his life didn’t make it any easier.
    His father squeezed his shoulder as he made his way to the door and then left the room. Christopher sat for a long time and tried to make sense of the emotions that swamped him. Realizing he would get no answers tonight, he decided to turn in.
    Making his way upstairs to his childhood bedroom, Christopher had an overwhelming desire to see Hannah.
    He paused outside her bedroom and laid his palm on her door. He could imagine her sound asleep, her hair cascading across her pil ow. Christopher puzzled over why she enamored and confused him. During their ride out to the lake, her dark hair had picked up red hues. She had striking hazel eyes, and with her high cheekbones and ful lips, Christopher didn’t believe he’d ever seen anyone as stunning as her.
    Pushing his thoughts away, he made his way to his room.
    He removed his clothes and fel into bed. It took him several hours to fal asleep and when slumber final y took him, he dreamed of a hazel-eyed beauty.

    * * *

    Hannah woke the next morning much less cloudy than usual. She had fal en asleep quickly and didn’t recal waking during the night, which was strange for her. She was a terrible sleeper, but the past two nights had been deep and uninterrupted.
    As she sat up, she held her comforter tightly to her chest, just in case a certain green-eyed hottie was sitting in her room again. Scanning the space, she found her room empty, so she climbed off the bed and wondered if she was supposed to wear the same dress again today.
    Before she had to make that decision, she heard a knock at her door. She jumped back into bed, pul ing the covers over herself. “Come in.”
    “Good morning, Hannah,” Gwen said as she entered the room. “I brought you another dress.”

    Hannah smiled. “Thank you.”
    Gwen laid out a yel ow dress that Hannah knew would compliment her complexion. Once Gwen helped Hannah into her chemise and corset, then into the hoops and skirt, the girls made their way downstairs and into the dining room. The room was empty.
    “What time is it, Gwen?’
    “It’s past eight o’clock.” Gwen furrowed her brow. “I’d have thought Chris would be up by now.”
    Hannah refrained from comment, not knowing his normal morning routine, but she was surprised that she missed him. The girls turned as Mr. and Mrs.

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