The Bride Experiment

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Book: The Bride Experiment by Mimi Jefferson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mimi Jefferson
workout pants and an oversized T-shirt. “You look a little overdressed for Bible Study.”
    Lila lit up more than she already was and blurted out, “I have a date.” The doorbell rang. Joan immediately turned away to answer the door, thinking the entire time, Lila didn’t just say she had a date.
    Tisha came in with two oversized pillows, laptop, and a suitcase full of books. Ever since Tisha started going to the College of Biblical Studies, she carried her schoolbooks everywhere she went. The oversized pillows signaled that Tisha was planning to stay the night. Joan sighed, but Tisha was too busy hauling in her luggage to notice.
    â€œDon’t close the door, Joan,” Tisha warned. “Janet was pulling up right behind me. I was going to wait for her, but my hands were loaded with too much stuff.” Joan sighed again and walked down the hall.
    This was going to be a long night. Lila had a date . How can Lila have a date before me? Joan walked in the hallway and waited for Janet.
    The elevator doors opened. Janet was a pitiful sight at seven and a half months pregnant. She had acne like a teenager, and her face looked several shades darker than the rest of her body. Her hair was in micro braids that should have been taken out weeks ago.
    Sonya, Joan’s new neighbor, was walking in the elevator as Janet was walking out. “Hi, Joan,” Sonya said.
    Sonya had on a pretty gold evening gown and was obviously going somewhere special. Joan gave her a quick, fake smile before grabbing the fruit salad Janet was holding.
    Joan shook her head. Sonya was going out for a night on the town and she was stuck holding a pregnant woman’s fruit salad. Joan told Janet repeatedly that she didn’t need to bring anything, but Janet refused to show up each week without a box of gourmet tea, homemade cookies, or some other knickknack Joan didn’t need.
    Joan said hello, but Janet held her hand to her chest, signaling to Joan she was too out of breath to talk. They silently walked down the hall to Joan’s place.
    Janet plumped herself on the sofa, where Tisha and Lila were seated. Joan headed to the kitchen to put away the fruit salad.
    â€œAre you okay?” Tisha asked Janet.
    Lila smirked. “There is nothing wrong with her except she’s pregnant.”
    After a few moments, Janet gained her composure. “I could slap you, Lila and Joan. Y’all did not tell me it was going to be like this. You made being pregnant look easy. Walking around in heels and wearing stylish clothes.” She exhaled loudly. “I cannot breathe. I’m having pains I don’t like. Oh, and don’t let me tell you about the heartburn and the gas, and I have never been this constipated in my life. I can’t find a comfortable position to sleep in, and my feet are disappearing from my vision, more and more each day.”
    Lila laughed and tapped Janet on the thigh. “Oh dear, just wait until the first contractions start.”
    Janet rolled her eyes.
    Tisha looked worried. “Is it really that bad?”
    Joan put the fruit salad in the refrigerator and yelled, “Yes.” She turned to Tisha. “Did you forget how much I was moaning and screaming with James Jr.? I felt like somebody was trying to pull my organs out, one by one.”
    Janet and Tisha gasped.
    Lila shook her head. “My water broke at the grocery store. I was too embarrassed. I thought that was the worst thing that could have happened to me. Then I got to the hospital and lost control of my bowels.”
    Joan teased. “That happened to you too, girl.”
    â€œYou see why we didn’t tell you,” Lila said. “There are just some things you don’t need to know. It will all be worth it in the end, though. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing. I love my Jasmine.”
    Tisha started to act like she was itching. “All this baby talk is making me nervous. Let’s eat and start

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