The Boss: (Billionaire Romance)
with me by sleeping with my sister.”
    He glared at her. “You’re such a bitch. I have no idea how we ever liked each other.”
    “What do you want, Stephen? I’ve got work to do.”
    “Your father had a heart attack. He’s in the hospital right now.”
    Jamie stared at him, shock running through her body. She stood up and grabbed her purse. “Why couldn’t you have led with that?” She pushed past him and opened the door. “How is he?”
    “He’s stable. But they’re keeping him overnight for observation anyway and to do some blood work.”
    “What hospital?”
    “The Scott Thompson Hospital.”
    “I have to go see him right now,” she said, walking past Stephen to the elevators. She called out quickly to Gina to tell her that she was leaving and she would be back later. She headed for the stairs.
    “What’re you doing?” Stephen asked as he pushed the elevator button. “I’m not going down that way.”
    “It’s quicker.”
    He shrugged. “I’m taking the elevator. I’ll tell you what happened on the way down.”
    “Fine.” She marched over to him and stepped through as soon as the door slid open. She could smell Alex’s cologne inside the small compartment box. “What happened?”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know,” he said, checking his phone. “You can find your own way there, right? I’ve got to get back to work.”
    “You’re such a bastard,” Jamie said. “Everything’s a game to you, isn’t it?”
    “Hey, he’s not my dad,” Stephen said. “He’s been nothing but rude to me since he’s met me. Why should I care?”
    “He hasn’t been rude to you. He’s been a father! You slept with one of his daughters and then hopped to the next.” Jamie couldn’t believe she was even having this conversation. “You were rude to all of my family when you were dating me. You didn’t even try and get in their good graces until you started dating my sister.”
    “Get real, Jamie,” he said. “I was rude to them because I already knew you didn’t like them. It wasn’t because I didn’t care enough or whatever you’re accusing me of. I didn’t think you would want me to get along with them. Why else would you tell me all of that shit about them to begin with?”
    “Bull,” she snapped. “That isn’t what happened and you know it.”
    The elevator opened and Jamie stormed out before Stephen could reply. She raced outside and called a cab as quickly as possible.
    Once inside the taxi she called Christine. She hoped her dad was all right. She could just imagine how her mother and Christine were right now. Probably blaming Dad’s heart attack on me , she thought sarcastically.
    Christine was sobbing when she answered. “Jamie, you need to get to the hospital right now. Dad’s had a heart attack.”
    “I know,” she said. “Stephen just filled me in.”
    “He called you?” She sounded surprised.
    “No, he came to see me.”
    Jamie shook her head. “How’s dad?”
    “I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything. Mom’s a mess. She keeps crying and wailing. It’s so embarrassing.”
    “I’m on my way. I’ll be there as quick as I can.”
    The cab got her to Scott Thompson Hospital in less than ten minutes. In that time Jamie had calmed herself and gone over the scenarios. Stephen had said her dad was going to be fine. It must have been a minor attack or maybe an angina something or other. She paid the cab and hurried inside, checking with the front desk for her dad’s room number. She raced to the room where her mother and Christine were already waiting just outside.
    Her mom glared at her. “You finally got here,” she said. “It took you long enough. You just had to be selfish and get a job, didn’t you?”
    “For Pete’s sake, Maggie,” her father said from the room. “I can hear you.”
    Jamie ignored her mom and stepped into the room. “Hey, Dad. How are you doing?” She smiled.
    Her dad looked past her as her mom followed her in.

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