The Book of Revenge

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Book: The Book of Revenge by Linda Dunscombe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Dunscombe
about by meticulous planning. Matt was pretty sure that would have included extensive surveillance. But he knew he ought to show some enthusiasm, so he forced himself to smile. ‘Great. So what’s it show then?’
    Jen got very animated, barely able to contain herself. ‘A figure left the house just after midnight, looked like a woman. They got into a car and drove away at speed.’
    He could tell by her face there was more. ‘And?’
    ‘And we got the registration number, Jefferson is running a check on it now.’
    Matt allowed a tiny spark or optimism to stir. Maybe they would get lucky with this one. ‘Good work. Anything else on the tape?’
    ‘Not on a tape Gov,’she said. ‘It goes straight onto the laptop.’
    He knew she was silently laughing at him, and probably with good reason. He felt old and obsolete and was wondering if it was time for a desk job.
    PC Jefferson hurried into the doorway. He stopped without entering and waited until Matt and Jen turned around from the body to face him.
    ‘Result?’ Jen demanded.
    Jefferson looked down at his notepad and read from it. ‘Car belongs to a Mrs Avril Cane. The address is number 9 Chilton Gardens...’
    Matt reached out and snatched the notebook from the young PC. He stared at it in disbelief.
    ‘Sir?’ the young PC said uncertainly.
    ‘Chilton Gardens, why is that familiar?’ Jen asked ‘Do you know her, Gov?’
    Matt looked up from the notebook and stared at Jen. ‘She’s my wife. Cane is her maiden name.’

    Liz groaned. Her bed was warm and comforting, her dreams had been unusually happy and it was Saturday with a rare day off. But someone was banging on her door, and whoever they were they didn’t seem to be taking the hint to bugger off.
    With huge reluctance Liz threw the quilt off and climbed out of bed. She stepped into her slippers and wrapped a fluffy dressing gown around her pyjamas, then she headed out of her bedroom and down the stairs.
    Seriously irritated she pulled the door open.
    Dawn was standing there, one finger pressed on the bell and with her other hand waving goodbye to Phillip as he drove away. Dawn, elegant and immaculate as ever and wearing a huge beaming smile stepped into the hallway. ‘You need coffee.’
    Liz was not impressed. ‘What are you doing here? And why are you hammering on my door? It’s barely morning...’
    Dawn was totally unperturbed by the outburst and walked into the kitchen. ‘I wasn’t hammering and it’s nearly nine.’
    Liz slammed the front door shut and followed her friend into the kitchen. ‘You any idea how rare it is to get a whole weekend off? I don’t need you waking me up!’
    Dawn let Liz rant. She calmly found her way around the kitchen; she boiled the kettle, pulled two mugs from the cupboard and found the instant coffee.
    Liz sat down at the kitchen table. Dawn plonked the steaming coffee in front of her.
    ‘Still a miserable cow in the mornings then...’ Dawn said happily. ‘Shut up and drink. Toast?’
    Liz nodded her head and sipped the coffee.
    ‘So what time are we leaving then?’ Dawn asked, as she placed a couple of slices of hot buttery toast in front of her.
    Liz took a long slow slurp of the coffee and waited for the caffeine to hit the spot. She looked at her friend, a combination of irritation and amazement. ‘How did you know?’
    Dawn shrugged her shoulders elegantly. ‘I just did.’
    Liz nodded her head in resignation. ‘Nobody likes a smartarse, keep the coffees flowing; I’ll go and get ready.’

    Matt wished there was another way. If only Miss sunny smile and ultra-efficient Jen hadn’t been standing beside him. But she was, and there was no way he could bypass procedure, not for a possible serial killer. Of course he knew it wasn’t his wife, true that the partners of killers always claimed to be innocent of any knowledge. Sonia Sutcliffe, wife of the Yorkshire ripper claimed she had no idea what her husband was up to. But Matt knew exactly what he

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