The Body and the Blood

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Book: The Body and the Blood by Michael Lister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Lister
    I felt a pang of guilt for not doing more for Justin—and not just last night.
    “Why didn’t you mention that when we spoke last night?”
    She pulled back from me, body tensing, eyes wide, looking like a child in trouble. “I wish I had. I guess I just thought . . . well, Justin always had a little of the drama queen in him, you know? I just didn’t take it as seriously as I should. I did ask you to check on him.”
    I nodded. She had and I had not—at least not soon enough.
    “Will you find his killer for me?” she repeated, absently stroking the cat.
    “I’ll try to help . . . where I can.”
    “Thanks. I feel better already.”
    “Talk to me about him. I’d like to hear about him, his case, anything from your perspective.”
    “He was gay. I say that first because he would. It was often the first thing out of his mouth. He was very comfortable with it—with himself. Please don’t hold that against him.”
    “I don’t.”
    She studied me for a long moment, her eyes narrowing as her head came forward slightly.
    “You don’t, do you? I thought . . . I mean as a preacher I’d expect you to . . .”
    “I’m not that kind of preacher.”
    “I wish a minister was the last person you’d associate with judgment and condemnation.”
    “He was like that, too. Full of love for everyone. That was part of his downfall. He was too trusting. Thought everyone was basically good. But they’re not, are they?”
    “No,” I said. “They’re not.”
    “He was caged up with some real animals. At first, I was glad to hear he was in that protective unit thingy. At least until . . . . It didn’t protect him, did it?”
    She lifted the cat, shifting her weight in the chair in order to reposition her legs, and as she did, I was reminded again that all her movements had a distinctive feline quality. Sitting there together, animal and owner, the two favored in ways that could only be the result of spending an enormous amount of time together.
    “He said that he was about to get out. Was gonna testify, get a reduction in his sentence. He was nervous about it—no, that’s not it. Well it is, but there’s more to it. He was nervous about testifying. But he was scared, too. He said if anything happened to him to tell you that it would be related to him testifying. I could tell he didn’t want to do it. But someone he loved was getting out soon and he wanted to be with him.”
    “Did he tell you his name?”
    “You’re sure?”
    She nodded.
    “Last night you said he didn’t seem like your brother. Is it possible that he wasn’t?”
    Her face lit up. “You mean Justin may not be dead?”
    “Sorry. I meant during your visit.”
    “I didn’t mean it literally. He was just so different.” She paused for a moment, then locked her eyes onto mine. “Is there any chance that Justin’s still alive?”
    I shook my head slowly. “I would’ve never come here and told you he was dead if I wasn’t sure. I even had FDLE compare his prints with his file after what you said about him being so different.”
    She nodded and looked away.
    “If you still have any doubts or think it would help, I can arrange a viewing for you.”
    Without any warning, the cat leapt out of her lap and onto the floor next to me. Then, in one fluid motion, she stretched out and rolled over on her back. When she looked up at me, I took it as a signal that I was supposed to rub her, which I promptly did.
    “That won’t be necessary. It was him.”
    “You’re sure?” I asked.
    “Well, maybe I better. I don’t want to, but it’ll be the best way to get it out of my head.”
    “I’ll set it up.”
    “You know what he was testifying about?”
    “No. He wouldn’t tell me.”
    “Is there anything else you can think of?” I asked.
    “Rest of the time we spent catching up on personal stuff.”
    Every time my hand neared the cat’s head, she lowered her nose and nuzzled it, pressing her

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