The Blood Eagle in the Big Easy

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Book: The Blood Eagle in the Big Easy by K. A. Lange Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Lange
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made, one, if not both, of these men were the ones to make them.
    The squat, balding, overweight and jittery little man seated between the empty chair for Comus and Zulu was the Gatekeeper, better known as the King of Orpheus. Contrary to his public persona as a retired factory owner he, like Zulu, was in the “family business”, which rivaled Zulu’s criminal organization outside of the courts. This was more often than not a point of contention between the two as Orpheus currently controlled the courts. I felt that one day the situation between the two would end badly for the Gatekeeper, and frankly I was surprised it hadn’t already done so. One day the Gatekeeper’s luck would surely run out and that Zulu would gladly lead the second line at the man’s funeral. It was a show of true restraint on Zulu’s behalf that an all out war for control of the courts hadn’t erupted after the creation of the Krewe of Orpheus. It was my opinion that this creation was a master stroke of genius and one that very few had seen coming. In fact I had been out of town dealing with this very case.
    In the second row sat the Queen of the Nine Muses. She was a particularly stunning woman with long red hair, piercing green eyes, perfectly shaped ruby red lips and a body that would make even the most devout man or woman consider the most sinful of things.
    Throughout the room many men and women of power and prestige were arrayed in a semicircle and awaiting the news of the day. I had to imagine that it was only by the voice of King Rex that they’d gathered so quickly. Everyone in the room feared Rex, and he once told me that respect only gets you so far, but carrying around what others fear the most gets the job done. As I said before, sharks.
    “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, such as it is. If it pleases the court I would like to proceed with what information I have at hand.” I spoke clearly and with the reverence due the situation.
    Both the Kings of Zulu and Rex looked at each other, and then nodded for me to proceed. Turning my head toward the guard I confirmed that the information had uploaded. As the lights dimmed further the front wall turned opaque before flickering to life as an oversized monitor with file folders flooding half the display. At the same time smaller screens embedded into the desks of each Royal sprang to life. No matter how often I visited the courts headquarters I am always amazed at the level of ingenuity created by man. This room was nothing short of one of the most technologically advanced places on earth. Air Force 1, and even the White House’s Situation Room would be envious of the gadgets and technological advances held within the walls of this once forgotten building. Each royal could elect to send this information along with my supposition to their respective members.
    Using my phone I remotely opened the first folder containing this mornings crime scene photos, garnering more than a few choice words and sharp intakes of breath. For a moment I thought a few of the less seasoned members of the court were going to be sick but to their credit they were able to reel it back in.
    “As you can see the perpetrators of this crime are vicious, but this is not the first time I have encountered them.” I turned and gestured to an elderly man in the far corner of the room. “If the scribe would please pull up the records from my trip to Maine twenty years ago each of you will understand the full extent of our problem.”
    Pushing my finger atop of the next folder icon on my phone the room was flooded with photos and files related to the earlier case. Many in the room winced as they bore witness to the brutality of man. Rex never looked down as he kept his eyes riveted on the big screen before him. A mixture of rage and sadness painted his face.
    These were not the standard crime scene photo’s from the Marshals service but the ones the remainder of my team had taken to truly document that days events.

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