The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance)

Read Online The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance) by Tamara Rose Blodgett - Free Book Online

Book: The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance) by Tamara Rose Blodgett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Rose Blodgett
Tags: Urban Fantasy, vampire, paranormal romance, dark fantasy, new adult, Fae, Werewolf, shapeshifter, tamara rose blodgett
like a dumbass,” she said logically.
    Julia smiled, she couldn't help it. Yeah she
was. But it was necessary.
    The girl took a hard look at Julia, then,
shaking her head, she walked away. Giving her a last look that
clearly said, crazy bitch .
    Yeah, that was her alright. She guessed the
plastic scissors didn't help with that. Can't get the real ones on
the plane. She stopped up the sink and mixed the black dye.
Lathering it in her hair she watched as her almost blond hair with
a hint of red became a mass of black. It utterly changed how she
    The boots made her five-seven instead of
five-four. She was taller, wearing different clothes and had black
hair that was eighteen inches shorter than when she entered the
    She had the money she'd had on her the day that
she was taken. Julia opened her palm and looked at the lonely
thirty dollars and five dimes.
    And one penny.
    She made a fist with her hand and stuffed the
change back in the pocket of her skirt. She grabbed her toiletry
bag like a purse and made her departure when there was a pair of
women exiting the bathroom.
    Julia dipped her head and walked out, the hair
still wet underneath, clinging to the nape of her neck like cold
    Julia kept her head down and her legs moving,
her heart racing far beyond the effort she was expending. She had
her toiletry bag clenched under her arm and kept moving.
    She was exiting security just as William and the
runners were passing through. Julia could hear his voice and she
didn't turn. But she swore she felt a hesitation in his speech, a
scorching gaze that she did not see but felt pass over her.
    And then she was outside in the drizzle, the
clouds making shapes across a full moon, twenty cabs in sight.
    Julia hailed the first one. Closing the door
behind her she said, “Get me to the closest bus depot.”
    The cabby turned around to look at her. “To
where?” he asked, his voice accented, a turban on his head. Julia
tried not to stare.
    “Away,” she said cryptically.
    “Humph!” he huffed, slamming the flag that
started the meter at two bucks.
    They pulled away from the curb and Julia
hazarded a look behind her.
    Her mind recoiled in terror as she saw William
and Pierce. And beside them, two runners.
    Their noses were in the air. Scenting it.
    Scenting for her.

    Julia and Jason were kinda arguing. He thought
Elvis was classic and she thought he was... well, kinda creepy.
    “Listen Jules, everyone who comes to Vegas has
to get married in front of Elvis, I'm just sayin'.” He spread his
hands out at his side like, you see my logic.
    Actually, she didn't. She looked up at the
oversized pudgy Elvis rendering. His clown red mouth, his tassels
and studs on a grotesquely distended belly in an unflattering white
was not something she wanted in attendance. Even if they were in cheesy Vegas. Even if they had stolen away to get
    Jason huffed, planting his hands on his hips.
“Okay, I see you don't see that as a sign: Elvis is the Symbol of
Vegas.” His eyebrows raised and Cyn giggled.
    “I think he looks pretty gay, Jason,” Kevin
agreed, smoothly siding with Julia.
    “Thanks for the love, ya ass,” Jason said.
    Kev barked out a laugh. “Anytime, pal.”
    Beaten, Jason looked over the small pamphlet of
chapels, finding a few more on the list. His eyes shifted to
Julia's, hazel with flecks of green in the brown. “The only thing
you don't want is him?” he jerked his thumb toward Icky Elvis.
    Cynthia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Jason. No chunky
monkey in white polyester. It's a no-go.”
    He glared at her and Julia said, “Yeah,
    Jason sighed. He and Kevin put their heads
together as Cyn came over to Julia, giving her a look from head to
toe. “Glad I could get you out of those fugly boots, Jules.”
    Julia smiled, Cyn had outdone herself. Julia
didn't look great in white but as Cyn had explained it, “you've
earned white, virgin princess, but

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