The Blackstone Legacy

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Book: The Blackstone Legacy by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
until she ceased breathing. The color in Ryan’s eyes shimmered like a newly minted silver dollar. His eyes changed color with his moods, and instead of darkening with desire, his eyes turned into pools of liquid lightning.
    Kelly tried to slow the runaway beating of her heart. “I think you’d better go now before we do something we may regret later.” Her husky voice had lowered an octave.
    Ryan slowly shook his head. “No, Kelly. I never do things I later regret.”
    Her senses were reeling as if her nervous system had been short-circuited by a powerful jolt of electricity. She hadn’t known Ryan a week, yet he had lit a fire of desire she thought long dead.
    Sitting upright, she pushed off his lap and stood up. Hands on her hips, she watched him stand. His body language was measured, precise. It was as if Ryan was in control of his life and everything in it.
    Rising on tiptoe, she kissed his cheek. “I forgot something.”
    â€œWhat’s that?”
    â€œI forgot to apologize for closing the door in your face.”
    He lifted an eyebrow. “There’s no need to apologize.”
    â€œBut you told me you expected an apology.”
    â€œThat was before you agreed to date me.”
    She nodded. “Good night, Ryan.”
    Bending over, he pressed a kiss under her ear. “Good night, princess.”
    He walked off the porch to where he had parked his car. He knew he had to slow down, not frighten Kelly. After all, they had a year to get to know each other.
    I’m crazy. I’ve lost my mind, Kelly told herself over and over on the short drive to the schoolhouse. She had spent a restless night replaying her conversation with Ryan the night before.
    She had also thought of herself as sensible and practical. When all of the girls she had grown up with were experimenting with alcohol, drugs and sex, it was Kelly Andrews who did not succumb to peer pressure. Why had she permitted Ryan to talk her into a situation in which she was not certain of the outcome?
    She might be frustrated—after all, she was undergoing a sexual drought—but that did not mean she should contemplate sleeping with her boss’s son. Kelly was certain she was certifiably C-R-A-Z-Y!
    She parked her car and walked toward the entrance to the schoolhouse. Her step slowed when shesaw a man at the door, waiting for her. Her car was the only one in the lot, which meant he had walked. She recognized his face, but not his name.
    Smiling, Kelly said, “Good morning.”
    Snatching a battered straw hat from his head, he held it to his chest. “Good morning, Miss Kelly.” He extended a hand. “I don’t know if you remember me. Mark Charlesworth, ma’am.”
    She shook his hand. Although his clothes, his hands and clothes were clean, he smelled of the stables. “What can I do for you, Mark?”
    He lowered his head, and a profusion of dread-locks swept over his broad shoulders. “Can we talk, Miss Kelly? Inside?”
    â€œSure.” She unlocked the door and pushed it open. A blast of hot air assaulted her as soon as she walked in. She had neglected to adjust the thermostat. Moving quickly, she pressed several buttons on a wall. Within seconds, the fan for the cooling system was activated.
    â€œWe can sit over there.” Kelly gestured to the sitting area.
    Mark followed Kelly, waiting until she sat down before he took a chair opposite her. Rolling the brim of his battered hat between long, brown fingers, he stared down at the floor.
    Kelly waited for him to speak. The seconds ticked by. “Yes, Mark?”
    His head came up and he stared at her with large, soulful dark eyes. “I need your help, Miss Kelly.”
    Leaning forward on her chair, she nodded. “How can I help you?”
    â€œI want to go to college, but I don’t know if I can pass the test the college says I need to get in.”
    She smiled. “You want me to tutor

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