The Billionaire's Weekend Bride

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Book: The Billionaire's Weekend Bride by Kimmy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimmy Love
job you actually want. You can do that acting course, if you want to. Because now you have the time and money to decide. You're in the perfect position to come out of this smelling of roses, Sonia. Don't you see that?”
    Sonia got out of bed and finally opened the curtains in her room. It had been a sunny day and even though it was late afternoon, the brightness filtering through made her squint. She felt the warmth of the sun through the window and pondered over what Bibi had said. It made perfect sense.
    Whether she got to find out if Damian was serious about her or not, the fact remained – she needed the money. She spun around.
    “Okay, I'll do it,” she said. “But it'll be the one and only time. I won't fall for any of his tricks. I won't end up in bed with him and I won't let him break my heart.”
    “Good for you, Sonia.” Bibi jumped up and hugged her. “And when you get your quarter of a mill, you can take me out to lunch,”
    “Absolutely, and then some. I never dreamed I'd ever have that much money at one time,” Sonia said, shaking her head.
    “Well, if you're doing it,” Bibi said. “I guess you should put the billionaire playboy out of his misery and let him know. The dinner's tomorrow night.”
    “Right. I'm gonna get in the shower, get dressed and I'm going to see him face to face. I want to talk about how and when he'll pay me. I want it all in my account tomorrow morning or I don't show for the dinner.  I want him to know I mean business and I need him to get me better prepared for meeting the couple tomorrow night. I was as nervous as hell last time. This time I'm going to show him how good a business woman I can be.”
    She called to tell Damian she was on her way to discuss their business arrangement and arrived at his hotel a few hours later. She knocked on the door and was surprised to see how casually dressed he was and how the casual look really suited him. She had to catch her breath.
    Damian had not been out of the shower very long because his dark hair was still wet and looked almost jet black, making his eyes seem more dramatically sexy.
    He wore a tight t-shirt that showed off every last muscle on his broad chest and accentuated the broadness of his shoulders and upper arms. He had on a pair of sweat pants and looked a younger and easier going version of himself. She'd only ever seen him in a suit before and even on the night they made love, it was dim in the room and she couldn't see much of his body, only felt it. She remembered the feeling of his body again and a slick of moisture in her panties surprised her. But no, she must be strong.
    “Sonia,” he breathed. “It's so nice to see you.” He stood back for her to enter and she walked in slowly, standing only a few inches inside the door. He had a suite of rooms and she could see the enormous bed through a pair of double doors. “Have you eaten?” he said. “I could order room service, if you'd like.”
    “I'm not hungry,” she said, turning and finding him right on her shoulder and bumping into his body. “I'm sorry.”
    “That's okay, Sonia. Won't you take a seat?” he pointed at one of the luxury sofas. Sonia imagined herself sinking into one of those very easily.
    “I can stand,” she said, clearing her throat. “I won't be here long. I've come to talk business.”
    “Business, huh?” He was almost mocking.
    “Yes,” she said, noticing that since their bodies collided, neither had backed away from the other. They were dangerously close. Close enough for her to feel his breath on her shoulder. That feeling of heat they'd shared last Saturday was back and Sonia had to do all she could to keep her sexual arousal at bay.
    But, not only was she aroused by the waves of sex he was generating and the tangible heat between her legs, she was also giving way to the possibility of getting to know Damian on a level that was more than physical once

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