The Billionaire's Vegas Bride: A BWWM Alpha Male Romance

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Book: The Billionaire's Vegas Bride: A BWWM Alpha Male Romance by Cj Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cj Howard
print from one of her favorite artists before realizing that it was an original. She stepped back with her hand over her mouth. She couldn’t believe that the owner of this penthouse had spent upward of a half million dollars on this small print, but she was also pleased to know that she was in the apartment of someone who shared her taste in art.
    She took the bathrobe from the hook on the door and wrapped it around her body. She inhaled the same, fresh scent that she noticed on the robe in the hotel in Vegas. Her eyes opened wide. Like a second sight, she realized that both robes were reminiscent of Justin’s smell and that this must be his penthouse. That would explain the pricey airline ticket and so many other points of confusion that he had tried to smooth over. She wondered why a man would try to cover up such a thing.
    Chantelle swung open the door to the living area and stormed through calling Justin’s name. He poked his head out of the kitchen with surprise. “This is yours!” She said with emphasis. “You are the one with money. You are the one who paid for my ticket and the hotel in Vegas. Why did you lie to me? Were you afraid I wouldn’t cooperate with the annulment? Do you really think I’m that shallow?” She stomped her foot and put both hands on her hips.
    He tried to deny her claims. “This? No, this is Sam’s place. I’m just staying here.”
    She cut him off with a short, derisive laugh. “No, we’re past that now. You need to stop lying to me right now or you will make it worse!”
    In spite of her fury, she was utterly gorgeous. Her hair swayed as she gesticulated and fire flared from her dark eyes. He was worried about being discovered and yet could not help feeling that familiar hardness swell and desire flooded his body at the sight of her.
    She pointed her carefully manicured finger directly in his face and said in a low, firm voice, “I am a lady. I may not have much money and I don’t live in a penthouse, but people love me and I love them. I don’t put a shield around my heart to protect a lot of…” she gestured around the room, “… things. Things don’t matter. People matter!”
    She turned to leave the room and Justin quickly followed. “Chantelle, it’s not like that.” He put out his hand to stop her, but she pushed it aside. “I… don’t know how to say this. I didn’t want you to know about my money because…” He swallowed hard.
    Chantelle looked into his blue eyes and saw sincerity. He paused and then spoke, “I didn’t want you to see me as a spoiled, rich kid. I know it wasn’t right, but even though I was surprised to find you that morning, I felt something for you. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I’ve never felt like this before.”
    Her face softened. At the same time they smelled something burning. Justin’s eyes widened. “Damn! The soup!” They both hurried into the kitchen. He shook his head with disgust while he awkwardly carried the scorched, smoking pan to the sink. Chantelle couldn’t help but laugh.
    “You can’t even re-heat a can of soup? I’m sure they didn’t teach that at whatever prep school you went to.” Her eyes were merry as she gave him a sideways glance.
    “I must admit that being raised with a personal chef leaves little incentive to learn to cook.” Justin’s boyish grin made her chuckle.
    “Alright, then. Let me take over.” Chantelle began to search the kitchen for items to make a decent soup quickly, but Justin stepped forward.
    “Hey now! I wanted to make soup for you. The only problem is that you’ll have to teach me to do it.” They looked at each other and smiled. They threw together a quick soup with leftover baked chicken and a thick broth. Chantelle didn’t have time to make the homemade egg noodles or moist dumplings she had learned to make by Aunt Janine’s side, but she did take a few of Justin’s leftover vegetables and made a soup worth eating.
    They sat across from each other in a

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