The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
time out of the apartment she shared with Tommy and more and
more time away from the children’s store at which she worked for
Cheryl, both had begun to cling more fiercely to her.
    “I don’t know what I’d do without you,
Claire,” Tommy had whined to her the night before, sitting at the
foot of the twin bed that they had once shared, “Are you sure that
I can’t sleep here with you tonight?”
    “I told you Tommy,” Claire had sighed,
rolling away from him, “I don’t feel comfortable sleeping next to
you. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”
    “What’s the wrong idea?”
    “That I’m going to have sex with you.”
    “Oh...” Tommy pouted, “But that sounds like a
great idea to me!”
    “Have you ever once considered the
possibility that I might not enjoy sex with you as much as you do?
I mean, honestly, how can you not have noticed that?”
    “I dunno...” Tommy said guiltily.
    “That’s what I thought. Now get back to the
    And then, later that afternoon, Cheryl had
given the guilt trip as well! Claire asked to leave fifteen minutes
early so that she could “get to her other job on time” (which
obviously meant “get your husband’s penis inside of me as soon as
possible”), and Cheryl had given her the stink eye.
    “You are so ungrateful, Claire,” Cheryl
hissed, looking over their new shipment of baby bloomers and yoyo’s
that cost more than Claire’s first car had. “Honestly, sometimes I
can’t understand why your heart isn’t in your job here. Your career
must not be very important to you, I suppose.”
    Claire looked at Cheryl, nearly at a loss for
words, “Cheryl,” she said, “You don’t actually think that I
consider my job at this store to be a career, do you?”
    Cheryl’s face turned a startling shade of
purple and she glared at Claire with venom, “How dare you, Claire!
Do you know how many girls would kill to have a cushy position like
    “Cushy?!” Claire cried, “You pay me ten
dollars an hour without benefits and treat me like shit stuck to
the bottom of your shoe!”
    “You’re too sensitive,” Cheryl shrugged.
    “Whatever,” Claire said, gathering her
things, “I need to go.”
    “Tell Parker that he’d better be home on time
tonight. My girlfriends and I are hitting the town and I need
someone to watch the kid,” Cheryl called after her. Claire turned
on her heel, drew herself up, and locked eyes with her dreadful
    “Here’s a thought,” Claire said craftily,
“Maybe if you treated Parker with a scrap of respect, he’d be
attracted enough to you to sleep with you every once in a while.
That five-year dry spell must really be getting to you, huh?”
    Cheryl’s eyes bugged out her skeletal face,
“How... How did you—” she spluttered, “Did Parker tell you
    “Gotta run! Kisses!” Claire had yelled
gleefully, skipping out the store. She knew that she would probably
pay for her actions somewhere down the line, but her new
relationship with Parker made her feel invincible, and brave enough
to handle anything.
    She was amazed by this new surge of
confidence. Suddenly, anything in the world that she wanted, she
felt she could go for. She felt comfortable in her skin, confident
about her full hourglass figure that had caused her such anxiety in
the skin-and-bones world of New York City. She even felt more
confident about her work as a photographer. With Parker’s
encouragement, she had started hauling her camera around everywhere
she went, snapping photos of every image she found that enticed
her. Parker was a big fan of her work, and with his blessing, she
felt like an artist for the first time in her life.
    But clearly not as escape artist, she thought
to herself as she lay naked in wait for him at his townhouse/sex
pad. No sooner had she arrived at his abode, fresh from her fight
with Cheryl, that he had stripped her naked and tied her up,
lickety split. She recalled the ease with which he had hauled

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