The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5)

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Book: The Biker's Chaos (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Book 5) by Regina Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Fox
sometime. But for now, we better get you home. You have work tomorrow.”
    “That’s right. I didn’t get much sleep last night,” he said. “But I was in bed all night.”
    Hannah’s eyes widened.
    “I can’t believe we had sex in the women’s bathroom,” she said. “They have to review all the tapes, even the women’s bathroom tape for evidence. And they found us.”
    They both laughed. Hannah laughed so hard she squealed. They craned toward each other to meet in the middle. Their kiss was so lazy and languid. His tongue was so warm and soft. It had such a lascivious feel. The sensation went straight to her core. She was wet. He reached between her legs and stroked her through her panties. The friction of the texture of the fabric added to the arousing effect of his touch.
    “Can you come to my place? When do you have to work tomorrow?” he whispered, his finger slipping under the elastic of her underwear.
    He pushed his fingers into her center, dipping inside her. Hannah pressed her cheek against his. The very feel of his soft skin and bristly beard on her face was satisfying. She drew a deep breath as if to take the sensation inside of her.
    “C’mon,” he said. “Let’s go.”
    Chapter 12
    John’s vintage car rumbled like an alligator, slicing smoothly around the grid of quiet streets to Hannah’s apartment. That was where she wanted to spend the night.
    One of the great parts about being a waitress was Hannah did have her early mornings free. But she was pretty wiped out from the busy drama of the past few days. On top of that, she had never had a boyfriend before, and John was becoming the best and closest thing to it. But this meant she never had a man sleep in her bed. She had a very sudden and impatient urge for John to break that streak.
    She felt a little selfish inviting him for afterward, the exhaustion on his face was incredibly obvious. He bumped into something as he traveled into the brief hall that led to her bath and her bedroom.
    “Oh, jeez,” he replied.
    “Well, if you wouldn’t be so huge,” she teased. “But I love you’re tall. I love my giant biker.”
    A bolt of fear caused her to draw her breath in hard; like she was trying to suck those rash words back into her mouth. She was super quiet, afraid that the ‘L’ word was going to chase him away. John paused in the hallway.
    “Sorry,” she said quietly, finally.
    He pressed his face next to hers. His chin tickled the sensitive base of her neck.
    “Why is that?” he so softly in her ear.
    “I didn’t mean to use that word,” she said.
    “I don’t know. I think the biker might love you back,” he said. “I knew what you meant. This is so new, but something is happening, and it’s nice, isn’t it?”
    “Yes,” she said. “It’s wonderful.”
    It was nice to even be able to say that.
    “You don’t have to be afraid of your good feelings,” he said.
    He held her head loosely in his large hands. He massaged her ears, lightly massaging them between his thumb and forefinger. It was intoxicating. She thought she would nod from it.
    “You’re hired,” she murmured.
    “I am?” he asked.
    He walked them backward into the bathroom. Maintain his hypnotic gaze upon her, he ran the tub water, letting it warm for them. He skimmed off his shirt from his lovely torso. John McCarthy was absolute perfection.
    The way his rich, dark hair became disheveled by his clothing, made him look like someone from another time. He did indeed look like a handsome knight, with his lean but ample, ripped muscle. And his sense of chivalry.
    He unbuttoned her uniform and slid it off her. Hannah waited as he tended to her bra and panties. He kicked his jeans from his legs and stepped into the water first to test its temperature.
    “Perfect,” he said.
    “Do you think we’ll fit?” she grinned. “By we, I mean you?”
    “Hell, yeah. I’ll fit.”
    She laughed.
    They lowered themselves carefully, but his limbs were bent

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