The Best Friend
    Carrying the cup, which appeared to be half full of beer, she made her way to Todd. She could see Riley nearby and knew this was her one big chance. When she reached Todd, she gave him a curious look, then shook her head as if disappointed. “I thought you had better taste in women,” she said as she casually pretended to drink from the half-full cup. Then, making a face, she handed him the cup. “And beer too. What is this cheap stuff, anyway?”
    He looked surprised, then amused. “You’re right, it is cheap beer,” he admitted.
    â€œI thought so.” She barely tipped her head toward Gillian, who was glaring at her like she wanted to tear Lishia’s hair out by the roots. “But it all seems to add up.” She gave Todd a tolerant smile. “Thank you for inviting me to your party. I’d like to say it’s been fun, but it hasn’t.” She turned away.
    â€œWait!” Todd called out.
    Lishia turned back with an innocent look. “What?”
    â€œDon’t go yet!” Todd was trying to peel Gillian off of him.
    â€œWhat’re you doing?” Gillian demanded, grabbing onto his arm. “You said you wanted to—”
    â€œLeave me alone,” he told her.
    â€œBut we were gonna go upstairs,” she said pathetically.
    â€œMaybe you should have some coffee,” Lishia suggested.
    â€œMaybe you shoul’ go an’ . . .” Gillian staggered as she narrowed her eyes and spewed out some bad language.
    â€œReally?” Lishia feigned shock. “I’m sure you wouldn’t talk like that if you weren’t drunk, Gillian.” She resisted the urge to make sure Riley was getting this all on camera.
    â€œI’m not drunk,” Gillian slurred.
    Lishia pointed to the drink in Gillian’s hand. “What is that, like your fifth drink?”
    â€œYou don’ know what you’re talkin’ ’bout. I can hold my liquor, you little shlut!” She staggered toward Lishia, letting loose with some really off-color words as well as personal threats.
    â€œI know you don’t mean that,” Lishia said as she cautiously stepped back. “That’s just the alcohol talking. You really should consider a treatment program. I think you might need professional help.”
    Gillian made a sloppy lunge toward Lishia, but Todd and a couple of his friends blocked her as she sputtered and swore, spilling her drink all over them.
    â€œSomebody needs a little time-out,” Lishia said, and several of them laughed.
    â€œOr maybe a little dunk in the pool,” Brandon Procter yelled. “That’d cool her off.” Just like that, several of the guys hoisted Gillian up and carried her, kicking and screaming, out to the pool, where they heaved her into the water with a big splash, followed by roars of laughter and clapping. Riley was getting the whole thing on the camcorder, and everyone was acting like this was the best entertainment ever.
    However, Lishia actually felt sorry for Gillian as she floundered in the water. She was also worried that in her drunken state, Gillian might actually drown and even suggested someone help her out. But the cold water must’ve sobered her up some, and Gillian managed to claw her way out. Dripping and angry, she pointed at Lishia. “You are dead meat!” she yelled.
    â€œCome on,” Todd said as he grabbed Lishia by the arm. “Let’s get you away from her before there’s bloodshed.”
    With the sounds of Gillian screaming horrible threats behind them, Lishia let Todd lead her through the house, down a hallway, and up some stairs until they wound up in what appeared to be the rather luxurious master bedroom suite. “Is this your parents’ room?” she asked as he closed and locked the door.
    â€œYes.” He nodded. “But she won’t find us here.”
    Lishia looked around the elegant-looking room and

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