The Best for Last

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Book: The Best for Last by Maria Geraci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Geraci
    â€œIsn’t that too close to what Sharon might wear? I mean, it’s almost ivory.”
    â€œI have no idea what Sharon’s wearing.” His brown eyes suddenly looked worried. “Should I know that?”
    â€œYou have absolutely no idea?”
    He shook his head.
    â€œSo she might be going down the aisle in full regalia? Veil and all?”
    â€œI doubt it, but you never know.”
    The salesgirl brought out four dresses, all in different colors.
    â€œI’ll just go try these on,” Kitty said. She took a second to sneak a look at her cell phone but there were no messages. She hadn’t seen Steve since Sunday afternoon when he’d left for the Mexico Beach house. They’d talked on the phone, but it wasn’t the same thing. Tomorrow night, she’d go out there to help him say good-bye to the house “in style.” She could hardly wait. It had been nice sharing a house with Dad and Sharon, but she was ready for her life to get back to normal. Hopefully, Steve had missed her as much as she’d missed him.
    She came out of the dressing room wearing a baby blue halter dress with a slightly flared skirt. “What do you think?” she asked, twirling around so that both her dad and the salesgirl could give their opinions
    â€œIt’s perfect,” Dad said.
    â€œFor real? Or are you just saying that so we can finish up and get a drink?”
    The salesgirl chimed in. “I think it looks great on you.”
    The dress fit well and it was nice enough for the event. Plus, the price wasn’t outrageous, although her father had offered to pay for it and she was going to let him.
    â€œOkay, I’m sold. Just make sure Sharon isn’t wearing blue,” Kitty told her dad.
    Dad punched some numbers into his cell. “Hey, hon, are you wearing blue to the wedding?” he blurted without bothering to say hello.
    Kitty rolled her eyes. Men .
    â€œGreat.” He gave Kitty a big thumbs-up. “Will do.” Then he lowered his voice but Kitty was still able to make out what he was saying. “I was going to take her out for a drink. Yes, I plan to do just that. ” He put his cell phone back in his pocket. “Sharon says you can wear blue.”
    â€œSo I gathered.” Kitty refrained from asking him why he’d felt the need to whisper to Sharon when they were on the phone. She figured she’d find out soon enough.
    Twenty minutes later, they were seated at a little Italian grill where happy hour was in full force. Dad ordered Scotch on the rocks and Kitty had a martini.
    â€œTo your upcoming birthday!” Dad said, raising his drink in a toast.
    â€œAnd to your upcoming wedding!” Kitty shot back. She picked up the menu. Now that she didn’t have to worry about sucking herself into a too tight dress for the wedding, maybe she’d order some fried calamari to celebrate.
    â€œYou know, Kitten,” Dad began. “I’ve become a totally different man since I met Sharon.”
    â€œI’ve noticed.”
    â€œYou have?” He began fidgeting with the edge of the napkin beneath his drink as if he was suddenly nervous.
    â€œCan I ask you something?”
    His gaze shot to hers. “Anything.”
    â€œWhat made you change? I mean, the other women you’ve dated haven’t exactly been—”
    â€œAppropriate?” He shook his head sadly. “Ah, I believe Freud would have probably had a field day with me.”
    She reached out to squeeze his hand. “It doesn’t matter. That’s in the past. And I know I keep saying it but I’m really happy for you. Over the moon, actually, but I was kind of…hurt that I seemed to be last person to find out about you and Sharon.”
    â€œI know, Kitten, and I’m sorry about that. My only excuse is that I didn’t want to introduce her to you until I knew for sure that she was the one.

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