The Beginning Of Rain In December

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Book: The Beginning Of Rain In December by Josephine Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Law
men’s voices and silverware hitting porcelain a steady, rhythmic noise.
    The men stood upon her arrival, even Song but his face was harsh, cold and indifferent towards her. It was Enlai who pulled out her chair. “Ms. Rule,” he said, “I was afraid you were not going to join us,” he smiled.
    She couldn’t smile back at him, could only nod in acknowledgement and sat down, placing her napkin in her lap. “Thank you,” she finally said as a maid poured her orange juice.
    “Are you well?” Lebna asked in concern.
    She nodded, waving aside his inquiry, as her breakfast was placed before her, a porcelain bowl of fresh fruit added. “Very,” she said. “Thank you,” she said once again.
    She wanted to read his thoughts as she had done Snow when the men had been in the vaulted room, but whatever had allowed her to do so earlier failed her miserably now. The more she attempted, the worse her headache grew, until it pounded within her temples as she became more and more nauseated, her skin clammy. Yet, instantly when she gave up trying to read Lebna’s thoughts her headache instantly receded, the nausea fled quickly.
    Failing the ability to do such, she instead assumed that she had imagined reading Snow’s minds, of peeking in on the conversation.
    “We will leave immediately after breakfast, John said,” as he turned the conversation to the battery of tests that she would undergo. “You have my promise that we will not perform more than what you will allow us.” He said.
    “When you take my blood and urine samples, what will you do with them once your tests have been completed.” She asked.
    John paused. “They will be stored away for further testing.”
    Rain shook her head. “No. They belong to me. I will go through each step of the testing process and I do not want them removed from my sight.” She commanded.
    “Ms. Rule, they will be safe, I assure you,” John said, smiling, but his smile was hard, calculating, as if speaking to a small wayward child.
    “If I do not have your word on this, I will not perform any test and this I assure you,” she returned just as mildly, just as cold and calculating.
    “What will you do it with?” He asked.
    “Douse it with bleach…and gasoline,” she returned mildly.
    John could not keep the small shock that flitted across his face. She was stronger than he thought, she was beautiful, but petite, soft spoken, a little mouse, someone he knew he could easily control.
    “Skin sample, hair sample, blood, urine. They are mine, you will not run further test on them without my expressed knowledge and approval.”
    “And what will you do if I don’t agree?” He asked coldly, the other men silent, watching this interaction.
    Rain stood up, placed her napkin upon her plate. “Good day to you gentlemen,” she said and began walking out the room.
    “Ms. Rule, wait!” John said, he’d half stood. She paused, turning back towards him before she had reached the threshold of the door. “Well, played, young lady. You have my word, your samples will be returned to you…to be chlorinated and gassed per your will.” He said tightly.
    “I am ready,” she said.
    The men stood, within three minutes they were in secured and armored jeeps, a large escalade. Song drove, Enlai riding shotgun, while her, John and Lebna sat in the back. The ride was mostly quiet and less than one hour later they were being waved through a secured, federal building with armed guards with machine guns.
    From the guarded gate, they drove upon a paved road for one mile, another security check, another wave through with armed guards. After the second check in, they parked in an underground garage of a one story, flat rectangular building, and nondescript gray with no address, no company name and no identifying marks upon the outside.
    They made their way out of the car and were met with a young, light

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