The Battling Bluestocking

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Book: The Battling Bluestocking by Amanda Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Scott
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very much to her as though the man’s primary purpose had been to frighten the wits out of the girl, but Sir Brian’s firm hand upon her shoulder silenced her even before he spoke.
    “I’m certain you had no such intention,” he said, still in that calm tone. “But you did frighten her, nevertheless. If you feel that you cannot get a fair hearing at St. Erth, come and talk to me. You’ll find me at Shaldon Park nearly any evening until I leave for London. If you can convince me that a problem truly exists, I will speak to Sir Warren for you.”
    The miner regarded him searchingly for a long moment. Then he grunted, “Fair enow. I’ll come, right soon.” With that, to Jessica’s amazement, he turned on his heel and strode away.
    Young Janet ran up to Sir Brian and took his hand, squeezing it. “Oh, thank you, sir. I cannot tell you how that man frightened me.”
    “Then perhaps you might tell me how it comes about that you are wandering upon a public road unattended, Miss St. Erth.” His tone was stern now, and she looked up at him, her soft pink lips forming an O.
    “I…I have been visiting a friend near Mousehole,” she said hesitantly. “My maid was to have come with me, but she had the toothache and was feeling poorly, so I left her at home. I do not ride, you see, but it is not a long walk. I never thought…” Her voice faded away entirely when Sir Brian’s expression did not soften. “Must you tell Papa?” she asked in a small voice, her eyes very wide. “He will be in such a taking, for he is very strict about that sort of thing, you know.”
    Sir Brian appeared to consider the matter for a moment or two, while young Janet regarded him anxiously. At last the firm line of his lips softened. “I think you have learned a good lesson from this incident,” he said then, “so if you do not care to mention the incident to your father, I see no reason why I should do so.”
    “Oh, no, I shall say nothing at all!”
    “Excellent. Then my nephew and I shall see you safely home. You know Mr. Liskeard, I trust?”
    She blushed rosily and cast a shy glance toward Andrew, still sitting astride Sailor. “Oh, yes,” she said.
    “Good. Andrew, take her up before you and start toward St. Erth’s. I shall overtake you in a few moments.”
    Andrew agreed with alacrity, and a few moments later Sir Brian drew Jessica a little away from the coach. “You are lucky I came along when I did,” he said quietly.
    “Why?” she asked. “It must always be pleasant to see you, sir, but since I had my sister’s coachman and an armed guard with me, not to mention my pistol, I was scarcely in any danger. I daresay that amongst us all, we should have convinced that idiotish man to unhand Miss St. Erth without your assistance.”
    “If you had been so foolish as to let that fellow see your pistol, you might have lived to be very sorry for it, my girl,” was the curt response. “I doubt he would have thought much of it, and then what would you have done? Would you have shot him down where he stood?”
    Jessica had been enjoying herself. It had not occurred to her that she might have had any difficulty rescuing Janet St. Erth from the miner, but Sir Brian’s question gave her food for thought. It also made her a little uncomfortable. The truth was that she didn’t think she could have shot the miner. Certainly not while Miss St. Erth stood so close to him. She looked up at Sir Brian uncertainly, aware that her knees felt a little weak.
    “There was still the guard, sir.”
    “True, but the mistake you made was in challenging Hayle in the first place. You attacked him and his actions, instead of trying to discover why he was accosting Miss St. Erth. He was bound to react violently.”
    “Well, I could scarcely pass by such a scene, even if they hadn’t been blocking the road.”
    “Exactly why I said it was lucky Andrew and I came along.”
    The regal arrogance was there again, in both his tone and stance, making

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