The Bake Off

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Book: The Bake Off by Susan Willis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Willis
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hours wondering who read them before me or who would be the next person to read them. And although it is a peaceful and quiet atmosphere we do have our moments serving the great British public…’
    They laughed together and when Nicola retrieved her lemons and started to zest them proficiently, Jessica asked. ‘And why are you using Sicilian lemons?’
    ‘I think they’re simply the best lemons in the world. They’re plump and juicy with a heady smell and the peel is fantastic for zesting. They’re nothing like the hard waxed ones from other places.’
    Jessica agreed and smiled. ‘I can see we think the same about using good quality ingredients in our baking.’
    All too soon, as by this time Nicola was enjoying the conversation, Jessica thanked her and moved along to Simon.
    While her tart was baking in the oven she cleared the bench and watched David filming with Gemma who was making a lavender and polenta cake with violet frosting. It was, Nicola thought, an ambitious bake which could be fraught with obstacles, but if Gemma pulled it off, she could win the final.
    So far, David hadn’t spoken to any of them but was calmly walking between the three benches watching them intently. Obviously, she thought, he was leaving the talking up to Jessica today whereas previously he had done it all.
    She looked across at Simon calmly talking to Jessica and knew that if by an outside chance the judges ignored her earlier mishap and she did win this today – it would be down to him and the way he’d calmed her down.
    Simon was making white chocolate and raspberry bread and butter pudding. Wearing his glasses made him look like a business-minded accountant, she thought, smiling at his serious expression.
    He was concentrating on chopping chocolate and layering bread slices into his dish.
    Jessica asked him, ‘I suppose you too will be used to working in a quiet office and living in your tranquil country cottage – so all this noise and lighting while we’re filming must be difficult?’
    Simon removed his glasses to look at Jessica. ‘Yes, a little. The first week was the worst and I got into a bit of a state but I think I’ve grown more confident now and like the others we’ve learnt to try and block it all out and concentrate on the baking,’ he answered politely.
    What a lovely response, Nicola thought, and then noticed David leaving Gemma and approaching her bench. He stood, feet planted firmly apart with his arms folded, watching her closely as she heated cream and lemon juice to make the lemon custard filling. He didn’t speak one word to her and she avoided his eyes concentrating upon the task in hand. She could, however, smell his aftershave and allowed herself the luxury of a quick daydream where she would lean across the bench and kiss him fully on the lips. Smiling to herself, she decided it might even be worth losing the competition just to feel the firmness of his lips under hers. She peered up at him as he turned to move away and was convinced she saw a flicker of a smile play around those lips – her heart skipped a beat.
    ‘BAKERS, YOU HAVE ONE HOUR LEFT,’ David shouted before moving along to Simon.
    Nicola poured her filling into the tart pastry case and with a small prayer slid it carefully into the warm oven. She wanted it to be perfect to show Jessica that she could bake well without throwing flour around the room at everyone. And, she had to admit to herself, she was more in awe of Jessica than David – her good opinion would mean everything to her. She looked across at Simon, who was grinning. He gave her the thumbs up signal which she took to mean he was happy with his bake.
    Jessica was now in front of Gemma admiring her baked cake cooling on a rack. Gemma looked cool and calm. She hasn’t even broken into a sweat, Nicola thought, pouting her bottom lip – her baking looked perfect, and there wasn’t a hair out of place in her long plait and clean white apron. Resentfully, Nicola wondered

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