The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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Book: The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) by Shelli Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelli Quinn
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direction. Before returning his attention back to his work he smiled at her giving her a little wink which caused her body to tingle with joy.
    Gigi couldn’t imagine what being married to a man like Pierce would be like but she had to admit she anxious to find out. She kept replaying the kiss they’d shared and she couldn’t wait for him to kiss her again and do whatever else he wanted to do to keep her satisfied as he’d said. She had no doubt in her mind that he could and would do just that.
    Gigi was snapped out of dreamland and back to reality when Asia asked her a question. “Have you seen Indy around lately?”
    Gigi thought for a moment. “I haven’t seen her since this morning when she went to her lab to see what Gio was doing.”
    “Come to think of it neither have I.” London added as she glanced around the dining room.
    “Huh, I wonder where she is.” Asia asked out loud to no one in particular as she too glanced around the dining room hoping that she’d see Indy somewhere among the crowd.
    “Well wherever she is I sure hope she’s having a better time than we are right now.” London replied.
    Gigi and Pierce had returned from her doctor’s appointment and were relaxing on the sofa in their shared living room while Asia and London were in the kitchen preparing dinner. Pierce was massaging Gigi’s aching back when Indy and Gio walked in arguing.
    “I’m telling you for the last time stay out of my lab Gio.” Indy yelled over her shoulder as she hurried away from him.
    “Hey, I was just trying to help I do have a degree in science and I’ve also spent some time working around the family winery.” Gio responded as she dropped into the chair across the room.
    “Who asked you for your help? I have been doing just fine without you or your help.” Indy said angrily.
    “You haven’t asked but let’s just say from the taste of that last batch of wine you whipped up you could definitely use my help.” Gio replied with a smirk.
    Indy jumped up from her seat placing both her hands on her curvy hips as she glared at the man standing across the room.
    “I swear if you don’t stay out of my lab and away from me I…Will…Hurt…You!” She said through tightly clench teeth dragging out the last four words.
    Gio returned her glare before letting a wide smile form on his gorgeous face. “Don’t tease me gattino . I like it rough so when you offer to hurt me you better be willing to follow through.” He said winking at her.
    Indy narrowed her eyes at him and flared her nostrils. “I ought to walk over there and slap you senseless, you arrogant jerk.”
    Gio laughed. “I can think of a few better ways for you to use those hands of yours, gattino.”
    “Can’t you think about anything besides sex?” Indy shouted.
    “No, not when I’m looking at you.” He replied smugly.
    “Ugh! I’m going to take a shower.” Indy said as she turned to leave the room.
    “Do you need some help gattino?” Gio asked teasingly.
    “No! And would you stop calling me whatever it is you’re calling me?” She said hurrying down the hall as Gio’s laughter followed her.
    Gigi and Pierce had been watching quietly from their spot on the sofa. “What was that all about?” Gigi asked Gio.
    Gio took a seat on the empty chair in front of him before answering her with a slight shrug. “Nothing I was just having a little fun that’s all, Indy is easy to tease.”
    “Giovanni, I don’t need you giving India a hard time. We are about to become family so don’t go making her mad.” Pierce said.
    “Oh she’ll be fine believe me Indy could use some excitement in her life and I think Gio is exactly what she needs.” Gigi said giggling.
    “I think I’m exactly what she needs as well.” Gio said with a smirk.
    Chapter Eight
    After dinner Gigi invited Pierce to her bedroom suite so that they could spend more time together. He made himself comfortable while she used the bathroom to get ready for

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