The Archer From Kipleth (Book 2)

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Book: The Archer From Kipleth (Book 2) by K.J. Hargan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.J. Hargan
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walked briskly towards the library. “I should be out in the field, with a sword in my hand. I should be in Byland, keeping more garonds from invading our land. But you and Solienth keep me cooped up in that empty barn like a fragile glass vase. The last Glaf! I wish I was dead already! My strength and skill are being wasted in this stinking city.”
    The three arrived at the new library of New Rogar Li. It was an impressive building. It had a stone base the size of ten houses, ornately cut. It’s wooden floors rose in stepped platforms imitating the shape of the Old Rogar Li, lost to the ashes. On every wall were paintings of the titanic trees long gone to the Great Fire.
    “I am not your son, nor your slave,” Ronenth hotly said turning to face Yulenth, whose elderly countenance creased with genuine sorrow and care. Then, the dark haired young man stormed into the looming edifice.
    “He is usually so cheerful,” Yulenth said with a sad, wry smile.
    “He is a good man,” Garmee Gamee said as she followed Yulenth into the library. “He has many worries on his mind. And it is hard to command a child whom you love as your own, but who is not.”
    At the massive doors, carved of a light yellow pine, depicting animals and birds of the Weald, Yulenth stopped to look at Garmee Gamee with a soul searching gaze.
    “He, Solienth and I are the last of our race,” Yulenth said with reproaching wonder. “We could not be more closely tied by blood.”
    “Yes,” Garmee Gamee said as she entered the vast library with Yulenth. “But, at the end of the day, he is not your son. So... Oh, my.” Garmee Gamee stared up at the empty, empty library. Rows and rows of shelves had been built to replace the books lost in the great fire. Garmee Gamee stifled a giggle as she paced to the only shelf with a handful of books. “So this is the great library of New Rogar Li,” she said hiding a smile.
    “Every book will be replaced,” an old, old man wheezed. “Copied from memory or other books from the libraries of Madrun and Reia. I am Nostacarr, who are you?”
    “I am Garmee Gamee, a pleasure to meet you,” she said impolitely, ignoring the master of the library. Ronenth and Yulenth now whispered furiously with another elderly man with a stocky build.
    “Do not dare to dictate my schedule to me!” Ronenth finally loudly said, and stalked off into the echoing caverns of the empty library.
    Solienth sadly patted Yulenth’s shoulder, as the older man wearily sat.
    “He is like a young horse,” Garmee Gamee said as she approached the two elderly Glafs. “He wants to kick around the meadow, when he should be learning how to obey his rider’s commands. Children are difficult.” Garmee Gamee falsely shook her hair.
    “He is all we have,” Solienth said with a husky hint of sorrow.
    “And he is so gifted,” Nostacarr added. “Why you show him a passage and he remembers it easily. He already speaks several eldritch languages fluently. And his penmanship is beautiful.” All three old men nodded in agreement at the remarkable line of Ronenth’s script.
    “Perhaps we have tried to control him too much,” Solienth said shaking his strong chin. “He is a young man after all. At his age, all I did was chase girls and get into fights.”
    “Every problem can be solved if you look at all the possibilities,” Yulenth said looking off in the direction of Ronenth’s departure. “I’ve always believed if you can get enough information, get close to the problem, you can unravel any difficulty. I must talk to him.” Yulenth rose and shambled after the boy.
    Solienth sighed. “The brightest man I know, and that boy turns him into a simpleton.”
    “Children must be controlled,” Garmee Gamee simply said. “This much I know.”
    “That is all I knew of life,” Solienth quietly said. “I ordered my army and they obeyed. Where is my army now?” Solienth stared off to the empty heights of the beautiful, vast, bookless library.

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