The Anomaly
    His eyes are an intense green, like those lush trees you find deep in the Amazon. His dark hair’s slightly longer than it should be. And there’s something about the way he pronounces his words—clear and with authority—when introducing himself to the class. I instantly know this man’s different from anyone I’ve ever met, and on top of that, he’s young enough for me.
    I open up my eyes for another look. He’s in his late twenties, maybe four or five years older than I am. But how old? I’m not too sure. I peek at his hands for a wedding ring, my heart beating wildly against any possibilities that my chances might be dashed to the ground. There’s no ring. Yippee .
    I sit up taller and a small smile escapes my lips just as he spots me. We lock eyes, and I’m not sure if I’m imaging that he smiles back at me before he looks over the entire room.
    “Let’s begin,” he says.
    This is a beginning that I don’t want to end . I slap my forehead and tell myself not to be so cheesy. The instructor is looking at me. I can sense his eyes. I shake my head as if it’s nothing ―I don’t want him to ask why I just slapped my forehead.
    “I’d like everyone to sit on their mats with their legs stretched out in front of them,” Carter says. He flips down the light switch on the wall and the music cuts off.
    “The next three weeks will be fun. My hope is that everyone will get in a good workout yet still feel energized.” He swings his arms and balls his hands into fists as he says this. “And hopefully, everyone will look forward to coming to each session.” He smiles again―his teeth are white and perfectly straight―and I believe every word he says.
    After the class ends, I wait until most of the other students leave. It’s a mixed class of twenty students, a decent percentage of them men. I watch as a student chats with the instructor before she leaves, then I go up to him. I’m not a pushy girl, but the least I can do is properly introduce myself. A smile sweeps over my lips and I stretch out my right arm.
    “I’m Leigh.”
    The instructor stretches out his arm and we shake hands.
    “It’s Carter, though you already know that.”
    “Yeah.” There’s a slight amount of sweat on Carter’s skin and the temptation’s there to run my palm across his forehead to wipe it off. I quickly peek at myself in the mirror behind him. And I brush back the front of my hair with the palm of my hands, though a dark blue bandana holds every possible stray strand in place.
    “Did you enjoy the class?” Carter asks.
    I nod. “Yes, I did.”
    “Is this your first time?”
    “At yoga?”
    I nod and try not to blush. That was a stupid reply.
    “How did you find it?”
    “The class?”
    Carter nods. “Yes, the class.”
    I suddenly just want to run out of the studio. What’s wrong with me all of a sudden ? So far, I sound silly. I laugh it off. Relax, Leigh , I tell myself.
    “The class is great. It doesn’t even feel like I’m exercising, though I can feel the stretch in my muscles.” I rub at my right shoulder.
    “Well, I can see that you’re already toned, so the class should be a piece of cake for you. Do you exercise regularly?”
    I fold my arms across my chest and feel the slight dampness under my armpits. I’m not sure if it’s yoga or my tendency to sweat when I get nervous. “I do, I run two times a week. There’s a trail behind my apartment.”
    Carter nods. “Oh, okay.”
    A cell phone goes off. I glance at the black duffle bag on the ground. The ringing is coming from inside it. Carter goes to the bag and bends down. I get a good look at his thighs; they look strong. In a matter of seconds, the cell phone is in his hand.
    “Hello.” He listens to the caller and nods then raises his index finger. “One second,” he tells the caller. He looks up at me. “Pardon me.”
    That’s when I realize that his accent’s faintly British. Except maybe he grew up here in

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