The Amish Christmas Sleigh

Read Online The Amish Christmas Sleigh by Kelly Long - Free Book Online

Book: The Amish Christmas Sleigh by Kelly Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Long
but she made such a sweet sound of protest between her soft lips that he groaned and kissed her even more deeply.
    â€œKate,” he rasped, finally lifting his head. “I’m not asleep now. We cannot play at this—it’s like playing with hellfire.”
    She stared at him, as if dazed, and he really wanted to sweep her up in his arms and carry her into the next room and . . . Hellfire indeed.
    He stood up abruptly, and she would have probably toppled to the floor had he not caught her and set her evenly on her feet with gentle hands.
    â€œKate, I’ve got to go. Danki for the food and—everything else.”
    He watched her for a second and her jewel-blue eyes clouded as if in sadness or disappointment. “You do think me another Tabitha, I’m afraid.”
    He stepped close and caught her sweet face between both his hands. “Don’t say that—ever. Maybe I haven’t spoken it right, but it’s not your kisses I want, Kate—it’s all of you. Your generous heart, your tender soul, and your everlasting kindness—you make me feel alive inside, and that’s something no one’s been able to do for a very long time.” He kissed her once more, rough and hard, then slipped on his boots, grabbed his coat and hat, and went out into the cold evening air.
    Kate left the dishes to soak in the sink and took a single lamp into the bedroom. She undressed and pulled on a flannel nightgown, then climbed quickly into the chilly bed. She hugged the quilts about her, tenderly savoring everything Sebastian had said to her after supper. All of me . . . he wants all of me. She smiled to herself; it seemed that Der Herr was making her dreams come true, and even if she didn’t understand everything about Sebastian, she knew he was a gut man and that she’d love him for all time.

    O n Sunday morning, Sebastian was up before the dawn, thanks to the first full nacht ’s sleep he’d enjoyed in a long time. And he knew it was because of Kate and the growing feelings he had for her.
    He dressed quickly, then hurried over to the dark workshop, nearly jumping out of his skin when Tim hailed him from the darkness.
    â€œSleep right, did ya, boy?”
    Sebastian mentally tried to slow his pulse. “Do you have to do that?” he asked in exasperation as he turned on the lights.
    â€œDo what?” Tim asked lazily.
    â€œSkulk around in the dark . . . you know I hate that.”
    â€œAnd you knows I got hoot-owl eyes, boy. So, what’s the problem? Land ’a mercy, anyone would think you wuz in luv, you’re so jumpy.... Oh, now, wait jest a minute here. . . .”
    â€œI don’t want to hear it,” Sebastian retorted, switching on the computer and sitting down to check for new toy orders, though he knew he couldn’t work on a Sunday.
    Tim poked his head in front of the screen, and Sebastian groaned. “Yer in love, ain’t ya? Admit at least that much.”
    â€œAll right. If you will go away and let me work—I’ll tell you.”
    Tim withdrew his head. “All righty. Tell ol’ Tim all about it.”
    Sebastian drew a deep breath. “I’m going to tell Kate about my past.”
    Tim staggered backward and collapsed into a chair. “I thought you were in love, not plumb crazy. What would you do something like that for?”
    â€œYou heard me. I finally found the woman I love, Tim. And if I’m reading her right, she loves me.” He remembered the sweet innocent passion in Kate’s kiss, the loving emotion she had expressed in their passionate embrace. He didn’t have to hear the words from her to know how she felt. She’d shown him. And now, he’d have to show her . . . by telling her the truth. “I’m not going to lose her. I want to marry her. She deserves to know.”
    â€œWhen you gonna do it?” Tim asked with the ominous tone that implied

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