The Alien Artifact 7
    The scientist
stared up through a hole in the above trees, where it had to have
come through, and at the above sky.
    “ So who
did it belong to?” Cameron moaned, trying to get some answers to
what they were talking about. “You’ve come up with all the
abnormalities of the find here and none of it matches another
country’s rocket or spacecraft ...!”
    Malone looked
at Cameron annoyed, but with pleasure when he saw that the
scientist reacted as he wanted.
    “ It’s an
unidentified flying object!” he replied firmly.
    “ Of what
origins?” Cameron asked swiftly, before anyone else said anything,
and the scientist looked closely at Cameron’s face with some
    “ Of alien
origins!” he replied, and his face went blank, as he stood
controlling his emotions.
    Malone stood
gasping, with his mouth wide open, finally realizing what he was
    “ You’ve
detected and shot down an alien encounter?”
    “ We don’t
actually fully know its origins in the universe! It appeared, and
our weapon systems detected it and destroyed it!”
    “ Appeared
from where?”
    “ We don’t
know! It seemed to emerge in space, accelerating out at an
incredible velocity ... For the moment it’ll be classed as an
undefined space vehicle!”
    Cameron and
Malone realized something simultaneously and that if it was of
alien origins that they might have declared war on another world,
with a far more advanced species!

Chapter 14
    The Bar
    People kept buying Cameron drinks in the bar
and he could barely even stand, and he was amazed the three
soldiers had talked locals into it and he thought he would never
make it back to the camp.
    The newspapers one of the soldiers brought in
were astonishing and he did not know what to think of the crash,
and if he believed it were aliens that were behind it! He was sure
that they were covering up what had happened! Why had they told him
anyhow? They all seemed to doubt what had happened in different
    He carefully read the accounts in two
newspapers and was surprised that they claimed that they had the
definite story and that a giant spy satellite had come crashing
down into the wood, and might have been shot down by one of their
advanced fighter planes by accident.
    After some thought he thought they had shot
down something thinking it belonged to someone such as Russia, but
he no longer thought it was of alien origins and was some form of
advanced technology that was part of some confidential project.
    While Cameron finally got up to go to the bar
one of his feet seemed to go astray and caught the side of a wall
and he flew forward and through the air and landed on his arms, and
he saw that he had embarrassingly did it in front of a group of
woman at a table and he launched into doing a perfect somersault
across the floor, to cover it up being stupid, even though he
already looked stupid by his standards, and, to his surprise, they
clapped at it and he wondered why he could do a somersault as he
had no knowledge of ever doing so, which lead him back to wondering
what all the missing information in his head was!
suddenly had an idea and wondered if there was anyone in the bar
that knew him and he could question! He was desperate to
investigate ways of getting his true identity!
    He wandered
around and found a pensioner slumped at the end of the bar with a
whisky and realized that he had seen him there on many occasions
and was clearly a local, and had been visiting there for some time,
and he sat near to him, avoiding going to near him as he did not
want to put him off.
    After a few
minutes he started to realize that he was drunk and after making
attempts to talk to him and not even getting a reply he realized he
was far drunker than he had realized and he was not even able to
    It annoyed him
more than anything and he realized that it could be the only
opportunity he might ever have to question someone there, as they
would surely move

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