Textual Encounters: 2

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Book: Textual Encounters: 2 by Morgan Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Parker
security pic from the building’s lobby. Is that the on e you saw?
    Yes. You coming over?
    You called in tired, and if you’re tired, you should sleep.
    9:42 am:
    Can I sleep with you?
    9:42 am:
    LOL, I’m all done sleeping, remember?
    Then c an I see you?
    Hello? Did you ditch me again?
    Sorry, just finished in the shower. I’m nervous about swinging by your place, though. With this guy still out there and obviously the police have seen me in the area. That’s kind of creepy.
    You’re safe. If you were involved in any of this, I’d be the dead guy, not Eduardo.
    Better? You want to come over now? I can meet you somewhere so you’re not walking alone…
    OK, if you’ll meet me. What else did you have in mind?
    9:55 am:
    Of course I’ll meet you. And I’ll make some eggs and toast. I don’t have any bacon.
    I’ll bring the bacon. I can use it as a weapon if I need to.
    It seems a little backwards that you’ll bring home the bacon, don’t you think?
    Very funny. I AM the med student after all.
    But in my version of our future together, I am the one who will take care of you. And you’ll only have to work if you want. I’ll do everything and anything for you, Katie. Always.
    Jake, you slay me. What do you want from me, exactly?
    Just. Love. Me.
    Are you still coming over after my sappy confession?
    Yes. I’ll see you in an hour.

Wednesday May 15, 2013
    I just walked in the door. I’m home. Hope you sleep well, Katie.
    OK, I think I will.
    I just wanted to thank you aga in. These past two days have been Heaven for me. But dropping you off after the work party was like having my heart ripped straight out of my chest. I love you.
    Your friend Ben talks a lot.
    He likes you more than he liked Christine.
    LOL, he mentioned that a few times! Except he kept calling her Rachel.
    There are rumors that he’s officially an alcoholic. I’m sorry about Ben.
    LOL, yes, I counted six martinis in forty minutes. Seems harmless enough, though.
    You should meet his wife. Total opposite. But in my line of work, it’s about appearances. And my boss’s boss is starting to worry that Ben is becoming a liability.
    You mentioned Christine… do you know that Ben thinks she’s involved in that murder across the street? I think he’s serious.
    Ha, he probably IS serious. He thinks anything that goes south in my life is Christine’s fault. Before her, he blamed

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