Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1)

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Book: Texas Wildfire (Texas Heroes Book 1) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
hospital to check on her, after I heard the commotion on the scanner, he showed up right after I got there. He knew I’d go. I was able to see her, but he stood by us the entire time so we were never alone. She told us what she could remember. She’d been downstairs when she smelled smoke and when she went upstairs to check, she found just her curtains in flames.” Makenna looked Titan straight in the eye. “The curtains on all three separate windows were on fire. Allie said she tried to put them out, but she couldn’t. The smoke got to be too much. As she was talking to me, Damien was staring at me with this evil smirk on his face. He did it. He warned me he would punish those I cared about if I didn’t obey him explicitly.”
    Titan stared at her in pure shock. “You think Wade started the fire?”
    “Yes, I do.”
    “What did you do that deserved punishment?” He was frowning, trying to comprehend.
    Makenna covered her face with her hands, she was so ashamed. “He warned me if I told anyone about the abuse, or anything about him that he’d punish me and anyone who tried to help me. He threatened people I care about. Damien figured out it was you who came to the house the other night, when you broke down the door. The hospital called to make sure you delivered my phone. He’ll be after you next.”
    “I’d like to see the asshole try!”
    Makenna knew he probably thought she was crazy. She dashed tears from her eyes, then sat up. “I just wanted to let you know, to warn you so you’ll be on the look-out. I need to get back over there before he realizes I’m gone.”
    “There’s no fuckin’ way in hell you’re going back over there.” Rage filled him. “You just wait here. I’ll lock the door behind me.”
    He could hear her calling his name as he left the house, but Titan couldn’t put this off a moment longer. Yanking his truck door open, he jumped in, cranked the engine and gunned it out of the yard. He hadn’t gotten to the end of the driveway near the barn before he saw Wade stalking through the field, coming out of the shadows like some menacing beast. He’d followed the same path across the pasture as Makenna.
    Slamming on his breaks, Titan got out to meet him. “Looking for somebody, asshole?” Every muscle in his body was tensed. He was ready to attack.
    “Yea, I’m looking for my wife.” Wade kept coming toward him like a charging bull. “Is she here, you nosy bastard?” When Titan didn’t answer, he kept yelling. “My wife is nothing to you!”
    “That’s where you’re wrong. I won’t insult her by call her your wife, but Makenna is everything to me.” Titan lunged at him. The idiot didn’t even know what hit him. Wade wasn’t a small man, but he was no match for Titan Sloan. Grabbing him by his collar, he picked the Captain up and slammed him into the side of the barn. “How does it feel, motherfucker? To have someone bigger shake you like a ragdoll? You’re just a wife-beating piece of trash.”
    “Get off me!” Damien tried to fight back. “None of this was any of your business. I’ll make you regret the day you interfered!”
    Titan held him about a foot off the ground with one hand, collaring him around the throat. He drew back his fist, but before he hit Wade’s ugly face, he wanted him to know exactly why. “I’m here to fight for a beautiful woman who can’t fight for herself. If you want to beat up on someone, you bastard, beat up on me.” He let his fist fly. “If you can…”
    During the next few moments, Titan fought Damien Wade. The man was furious, his adrenaline was running high. If he could have, Titan knew Wade would’ve killed him. To think this freak’s strength had been pitted against Makenna’s small body infuriated Titan. To put it succinctly, before he was through, Titan beat the shit out of Captain Wade.
    When he was finished, he pulled out his cell and called the cops. “I need to report a crime.”
    *  * 

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