Terri Brisbin

Read Online Terri Brisbin by The Betrothal - Free Book Online

Book: Terri Brisbin by The Betrothal Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Betrothal
her body remembered the other ache, the one caused by Lord Braden’s hot mouth on her skin and her breasts. The tips of them tingled now as she thought on his strange caresses and kisses and the heat they caused in her. When Lady Rosamunde mentioned something later in the evening about her husband, Sir Gautier, doing something that caused her toes to curl, Joanna feared that her blush gave away that she knew something that could do that.
    Lord Braden had done that to her. When his tongue had touched her, Joanna swore her toes had curled. Now, her body pulsed with an awareness that had never been there before. Not before he’d kissed her and touched her and… She must stop these thoughts. Surely they were sinful and not appropriate in this place.
    “My lady?” Father Bernard whispered. “’Tis time now.”
    The priest went to the front corner of the chapel and tugged hard on the rope that hung there. The bell above chimed loudly enough to call those in the keep and the village to church.
    Joanna sat up and then stood, still wobbling and not steady on her feet. As she stumbled, someone grasped her arm to help her.
    Lord Braden.
    “My lady, allow me to be of assistance.” He brought his arm around her waist and waited while she gained her balance.
    “You come to Mass?” she asked in a whisper as they made their way toward the altar. Did not the devil fear the cross and chalice?
    “I admit that I am not as religious as I should be, but I do attend whenever I have the opportunity. There is a small but lovely chapel at Wynwydd.”
    Stunned by his admission, Joanna stared at him and watched for any signs that he was struggling against the Lord’s presence here. A few minutes of close scrutiny revealed nothing save his habit of clenching his jaws.
    They took places to one side of the altar and waited for the Mass to start. Joanna remembered that her head was uncovered and felt for the hood that she’d worn these past weeks. “My lord, I must cover my head before Mass begins. Let me get my hood at least,” she said, slipping from his side. As she searched the bench where she’d slept, she felt him at her side.
    “Wear this, Joanna,” he said, placing a hooded cloak overher shoulders. It hid her inappropriate attire completely from view and covered her head at the same time. And it fit perfectly.
    “Where did you get this?” she whispered as they walked back to their places.
    “I brought it with me. A gift for my betrothed. One I did not have the opportunity to present to you upon your arrival at my home.”
    The priest rang small gold bells that announced the beginning of the Mass so Joanna could not ask him any more questions. She knew that once the Mass was over, he would try to take her from here and she must collect her thoughts and be ready. He stood close to her and she could smell the scent of the soap he must have used recently. A fresh herbal smell, one probably concocted by Lady Margaret for her guests. Taking in a deep breath of it, she realized how badly she must smell.
    Braden caught her and gave her a look of puzzlement. He nodded his head at the altar and she comprehended that he was telling her to turn her attention to the priest. Her breath caught as she watched the dimple appear in his chin. His green eyes sparkled with the merriment of one involved in a prank. For a moment she could almost forget that he meant to force her to his will.
    Just as she’d forgotten last evening when his mouth caused such magical feelings in her body and her heart. She had nearly surrendered to him, until he touched the still-new wounds on her bottom and her thighs. It would cost her too much to allow simple lust to break her now. Shifting on her feet, she strengthened her resolve to fight his evil plans for her.
    Pulling the cloak more tightly around her shoulders, she moved away from him so that his scent and his nearness and his heat would tempt her no longer. Father Bernard said the final blessing and Mass was

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