Terms & Conditions

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Book: Terms & Conditions by Robert Glancy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Glancy
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veneers, said, ‘No, no. This company doesn’t just make missiles or drones and things; they also make medical equipment, they make incredible metal alloys for . . .’ Oscar’s shallow knowledge ran dry and he waved his hand and said ‘. . . and other stuff. Come on, cheer the fuck up, will you,’ then he punched me on the shoulder and walked off whistling.

    ### ###### ##### #####
    Later that day, I was sitting at my desk when this fellow approached me.
    â€˜Hello. Who are you?’
    â€˜Your brother hired me. I work in the [pause] division.’
    I laughed and said, ‘You’re the invisible lawyer behind the Chinese Wall barbed by super-injunctions. Pretty ridiculous when you think about it, isn’t it?’
    He didn’t smile when he said, ‘I can neither confirm nor deny that it’s ridiculous.’

    Don’t be surprised if they turn up in trainers.
    Reliving my past was a punishing experience and as I clutched my coffee cup I was aware that everything remained the same – my cold coffee; the
May Contain Nuts
contract; spilled sugar still glittered like a sweet constellation – yet everything was different. I was different –
or the same
. I was Frank again.
    My beautiful barista came over and asked if I was OK. She explained that I’d been laughing hysterically and freaking out people in the café. I noticed her hips, so invitingly wide, and her slight belly bent out towards me.
    In a daze I heard myself ask, ‘Do you know of a place that doesn’t have lawyers?’
    She looked at me meaningfully and said, ‘How do you mean?’
    â€˜A place without lawyers, without contracts, a place where people aren’t always protecting their own backs, maybe a place where people don’t even speak English.’
    â€˜Oh, right,’ she said. ‘Yeah, I know just the place. I went to Majorca last summer and half the bloody people there didn’t even speak any English. It was a friggin’ nightmare.’
    She smiled her sweet smile and left me to my confused thoughts. I looked down at the contract screwed up tight in my fist. Then I let my head hang low, staring blankly at the floor, where I think I would have remained for hours had my peripheral vision not been broken by some strange black trainers. My eyes moved up a pair of dark moleskin trousers, past a crisp white shirt to Doug, who had a look of such terrible concern etched on his face that I said, ‘My God, what’s wrong, Doug?’*
    * Before I realised his concern was directed at me. I was what was wrong.
    â€˜Come on, Frank,’ he said. ‘Let’s have a bit of quiet time.’
    Without saying a word, I followed. In his office Doug made tea, pulled his chair over and sat beside me. He didn’t speak, didn’t ask questions, he just remained quiet until I said, ‘I’ve started to remember . . . things.’
    â€˜That’s great news,’ Doug said but, reading my expression, added, ‘or not?’
    I began, ‘I hate Oscar, I work for an arms manufacturer and . . .’ And then – before I had time to stop it – I started crying. Doug handed me tissues and tears kept coming. He rubbed my shoulder and, for a moment, his hand felt like the only thing anchoring me to reality.* It seemed he understood this because he didn’t move for a long time before saying, ‘Yes, um . . . that does sound like the old Frank I once knew.’
    * As soon as he moved his hand I feared that I’d drift off into weightless insanity.
    Snot started to chase the tears running down my face as I said, ‘Oscar and Alice didn’t tell me any of this when I asked about my old life. They told me everything’s fine, that I was just a bit stressed.’
    â€˜Listen, Frank. Don’t believe everything you hear.’
    In a childish weeping jag I

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