Tempted by Pleasure (Secret Invitation #1)

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Book: Tempted by Pleasure (Secret Invitation #1) by Devon Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devon Hart
architecture, and judging by the space, we’re in a restored Victorian mansion. A third archway opens into a reception hall where people are dancing and socializing.
    The open-floor plan, high ceilings, and large windows are aesthetically pleasing. Four crystal chandeliers bathe the room in soft light. Mesmerized, I slink forward. There’s a black marble fireplace along the far wall. Neil rests his hand on my shoulder, and I glance at him.
    “This is a beautiful home.”
    “You’ll get accustomed to luxury, Ms. Covington. The directors have impeccable taste.”
    I scan the crowd. “Not just in décor.” All the women are gorgeous.
    “You’re very observant.” He chuckles. “Someone is waiting for us. Will you come with me?”
    As we cross the room, I notice several men and women staring at me. I grip Neil’s arm tighter, suddenly aware of how dependent I am on him for a shred of confidence. We leave the main room, walk down a short hallway, and stop at an oak door.
    “This is where we part ways, Ms. Covington.”
    “Really?” I refuse to let go. He’s a lucky rabbit foot as far as I’m concerned and I need all the help I can get tonight. “Please stay.”
    “Do you want to go home?” He appears genuinely concerned.
    “You need a drink. Dr. Mallory is waiting inside the library for you.”
    The doc will be a welcome sight. I’ve never felt comfortable in big crowds where I didn’t know anyone. Even when I travel alone to Europe, I get butterflies in my stomach. “I’m ready.”
    Neil knocks on the door. I hear footsteps, then it opens.
    “Ms. Covington.” Dr. Mallory smiles. “Thank you, Neil. That will be all for now.”
    I watch my Goliath-sized security blanket leave before I face the doc again. “I’m here.”
    “Yes.” His gaze slides down my body, then up again. “You are beautiful.”
    His compliment shuts me up and I end up in a stiff, leather wingback chair sipping brandy.
    “After you finish your drink, I’ll escort you to the reception room and introduce you to some of the members. Several gentleman have already expressed an interest in meeting you.”
    I cross my ankles, staring at him over my glass. “How?”
    “We post biographies of new members on a secure website.”
    No one mentioned anything about online profiles. “I’m not sure I like my personal information being in cyberspace. If my parents . . .”
    “It’s a closed-loop network. There’s no security threat, I promise.” He approaches and refills my glass. “I know how nervous you must be. There’s no pressure tonight. When you’re ready, let me know. We can simply observe other couples. Understand?”
    “I can watch people make love?” Why am I surprised? It’s a sex club that claims to cater to every sort of fantasy. Watching another couple fuck might be fun. Right? Somehow I just can’t fully accept that I’m here yet.
    “Yes. But most of our members engage behind closed doors.” He sits in the chair to my right, then steeples his fingers. “We have a voyeur room.”
    I finish the brandy and set the empty glass on the side table. Gripped by liquid courage, I blurt out, “There’s no reason to delay.”
    “One last thing.” He offers me his hand. “Some members prefer to remain anonymous and wear masks to all the parties.”
    Our eyes connect and I’m suddenly aware how attracted I am to Dr. Mallory. He’s dressed in a tailored, charcoal-colored suit with a burgundy tie. He’s slim and athletic looking, like a tennis player, with dark hair and hazel eyes. I think a super-hot version of Niles from Frasier and giggle.
    “Did I say something amusing?”
    The corner of his mouth curls upward. As we step out, I know I’m never going to be the same again.

Chapter 10
    I’ve been waiting for over an hour to catch a glimpse of Erin. If my suspicions are correct, the girl I knew in school and the woman I kissed at lunch the other day are only a tiny part of who she

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