Temptation (The Temptation Series)

Read Online Temptation (The Temptation Series) by K.M. Golland - Free Book Online

Book: Temptation (The Temptation Series) by K.M. Golland Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Golland
I think my experience in the whole pushing out babies
department was comforting for her. We flew here in the company helicopter!”
    “Fair enough, well why wouldn’t
you?” He was so blasé about this stuff.
    “Anyway, I negotiated my salary
with Mr Clark this morning. He wants to pay me, wait for it.........$500k, but,
it will mean I need to attend out-of-hours meetings and events possibly
starting with tonight.”
    “Fuck, $500 grand, are you
for real?”
    “Yes, I know, it’s
ridiculous, but that’s the figure and conditions, thought you’d be happy.”
    “Happy, maybe I should get you
to negotiate with my boss! Shit, I’m speechless. Wow, Lexi the bread winner,
never thought I’d say that.” He was laughing, more like mocking me. I rolled my
    “Is that right Mr Summers? Well
seeing I am the household bread winner now, I expect a hot cooked roast dinner
on the table waiting for me when I get home and an hour long foot rub, because
these shoes are starting to punish me.”
    “Your wish in my command Miss
half-a-Mill.” I laughed, he really did know how to make a joke about pretty
much anything.
    “Don’t you forget it. I’ll
call you later when I know what’s happening. Love you, bye.” I hung up just as
Bryce walked around the corner, he literally fell into the lounge.
    “Is everything alright, how
is Lucy?” I got up and sat next to his seat, he seemed in shock. “Bryce?”
    “Yes, yes she’s fine.” He
snapped out of it.
    “She’s terrifying, but fine.
Guess what? I’m an Uncle.” He looked up, I could see his eyes start to well
with tears.
    “I’m an Uncle Alexis, Uncle
Bryce.” He jumped up and pulled me into his arms. Geez he’s strong. He
hugged me so tight and practically spun me around.
    “I’m an Uncle.” He gently put
me down and apologised, he ran his hands through his hair. Ooooh Fuck, he
looks hot when he does that.
    “Sorry, I’m just so, so, shit,
unprepared.” He slumped back down on the lounge.
    “I don’t know the first thing
about being an Uncle.” This man was like no other, rich, powerful, strong,
obnoxious, a force to be reckoned with, yet he was also kind, caring, selfless,
scared and unsure of himself.
    “I’m not an Uncle, but I am
an Aunty and all you need to know is how to love your nephew, I think you’ve
already got that down pat.” I touched his leg and gave him a reassuring look. I
really needed to avoid touching him, the feelings and sensations that coursed
through me were very hard to cope with. I retracted my hand and stood up. I
turned my back to him in the hope he couldn’t sense my embarrassment.
    “I don’t know what the coffee
is like but the tea is alright, can I make you one?”
    “No, I’m going to need
something stronger come on.” He gently grabbed my arm and led me out.

    “Where are we going?” I
asked, as he ushered me along the hospital corridor.
    “I need to take the chopper
back; they don’t allow long term parking on their helipads!” I liked his
sarcastic sense of humour, it’s fun to play with.
    “Right, makes sense.” He led
me out to the helipad and helped me up into the front of the Helicopter, he
placed his hand on my hip and the other on my arse to boost me up. Not that
I really needed boosting. I didn’t want to make a big deal of his
inappropriate grope so just ignored it, but, the stirring in my groin was hard
to overlook. He reached over to buckle me in, his head was only inches from
mine, he smelt so good. Oh please, hurry up and get that freakin buckle in,
I’m about to hyperventilate. He was ‘smirking’, I glared at him.
    “You’re enjoying this aren’t
you?” He laughed.
    “Yes, but your safety is my
utmost concern, there you go all buckled in.” He reached for a headset for me
from under my seat. Now his head was basically in my lap. Seriously Bryce
you are killing me. I clenched my thighs together as hard as they would go. Think about Poo and Snot and Baby

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