Temptation In Texas: Mike and Megan
Temptation in Texas: Mike
and Megan
    Lynda Chance
    Temptation in Texas: Mike and Megan
    Copyright © 2011 by Lynda Chance
    All rights reserved. This book or any portion
thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author or publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or
    This is a work of fiction. Names, places,
businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the
author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any
resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or
locales is purely coincidental.
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    To Clayton,
    Thanks for the night in
Dallas County, Babe

    Mike Sullivan looked around the crowded
restaurant with complete boredom. As he leaned back in his chair
and nursed his beer, he wondered how he had let his sister talk him
into this. Helping her maintain control of six fifteen year old
boys at any time was a nightmare. But why the hell she had chosen
this type of restaurant was beyond him. Obviously, the testosterone
running through the teenagers would make them think this place was
heaven. He looked around in near disgust as he saw nothing but
female waitresses in skirts so short that their ass cheeks showed.
And of course, the tits. Tits, big tits and bigger tits. That kind
of blatant, overblown, in your face sex had never appealed to him.
At least, not since around his thirtieth birthday. Thank God,
Stephanie was able to haul all those boys in her minivan. He could
leave alone in his own vehicle if he could just endure the rest of
the meal. He was going to cut this place loose just as soon as
possible without being the rude son of a bitch his sister regularly
accused him of being.
    He turned his eyes back toward Stephanie as
he realized she was speaking to him. "I'm sorry, what?"
    Stephanie rolled her eyes at
him. "I asked you where Heather is tonight. When you so happily agreed to meet me
here, you never mentioned where she was." Of course that was
accompanied by another roll of the eyes, because Mike knew if
anything, he had grudgingly agreed to help her out
    "I have no idea where she is." He stalled and
took another sip of his beer. He didn't care to let his whole life
story out to everybody. And that included his sister. At
thirty-four years old, he thought he was past the point where his
mom and sister should know his every little move. It irritated him
to no small degree. "I don't really want to get into this now, but
I'm pretty sure I'm through with her." His voice was as short as
his temper when he thought about Heather. Why it had taken him six
months to wise up about her, he didn't know. Thank God he hadn't
let her move in with him like she had been pestering him to do for
    "Mike, I swear, if you don't
keep treating the women you date like a convenient sexual outlet,
you'll never find a woman to settle down with." His sister's voice
was laced with irritation, and he could tell she had the age-old
idea in her head that there was a right woman out there for every man
who wanted one.
    He just didn't want one. What the fuck for?
All they were good for was spending your money and leaving shit
strewn all over your bathroom counter. No, he was going back to
hook-ups. One night stands. It was easier that way. Less messy.
Granted, he might not have sex available to him twenty-four-seven,
but he could learn to make do with less. His

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