Tell Me No Spies
    “Yes, actually. I do.”
Stemp eyed me dispassionately. “I wouldn’t have given the order if
I’d had another choice.”
    “Bullshit!” I lunged
up out of the chair bellowing, my throat as raw and painful as my
heart. “Why! Tell me why you killed him! ”
    Stemp picked up the
gun and held it out to me again. “It’s time for you to go now.”
    I leaned shaking fists
on his desk and glared into his emotionless face. Nauseating
certainty climbed the back of my throat. He wasn’t going to tell
me. My husband was dead at his hands with no justice, no recourse,
no explanation.
    I straightened slowly,
my spine stiffening with the steel of rage. No. Not dead at Stemp’s
hands. Dead at the hands of a man I’d trusted. Believed in. Had
been willing to die for.
    A man who’d been lying
to me for months.
    The gun felt cold and
heavy in my hand when I lifted it from Stemp’s desk and made for
the door.
    “Don’t do anything
stupid.” Stemp’s voice froze me with my hand on the doorknob.
    “Good advice.” My
voice rasped like a chainsaw grinding concrete.
    I opened the door to
see Kane’s strained face. “Aydan, thank God.” His shoulders relaxed
and he slid his gun back into its holster.
    I closed the door
behind me and glared up at him, violence roiling in my heart. My
hand hurt where it clenched around the hardness of my gun.
    “Aydan, what happened?
What the hell was that?” he demanded, worry dissolving into
irritation on his face.
    I dropped my gaze to
grapple for composure, distantly noticing the glowing white
knuckles on my gun hand.
    Orders. He had only
been following orders.
    “Get out of my sight.”
I shoved my gun back into its holster, releasing my fingers with an
effort, and stalked away.
    “Aydan! Don’t walk
away from me.” His hand closed on my shoulder.
    His touch destroyed
the last remnants of my control and I spun, my fist whistling
around to drive into his stomach. I knew the blow wouldn’t have
even slowed him down if he’d been expecting it, but he was clearly
unprepared. He grunted and half doubled over, and I used all my
weight to shove him back against the wall, my forearm jammed across
his throat.
    I jerked up on my
tiptoes to get as close to his face as I could. “I said, get out
of my sight! ” I spat.
    I whirled and strode
    A moment later, I was
pinned against the wall by his hard body while he glared down into
my face.
    Many people would
consider it a bad idea to piss off a martial arts expert. I was far
past the ability to exercise that kind of better judgement. I made
a zealous attempt to knee him in the balls.
    He blocked my attack.
His hold on my arm tightened painfully and he crushed me against
the wall with his weight.
    “Now we’re going to
talk about this,” he said quietly. “Would you like to do it here,
or would you prefer to sit down and discuss it like adults?”
    “Right fucking now,
asshole!” My defiant growl didn’t have quite as much impact as I’d
hoped, since I could only inhale enough to manage a breathless
    “Why are you so angry
at me?”
    I tried to knee him
again with no success whatsoever. “No reason. You fucking
    He went very still.
“Oh. Aydan, I’m sorry, I-”
    “Don’t bother. Don’t
even bother lying to me anymore. I know all about your orders.” I
snarled up into his face. “Cultivate a romantic relationship with
the asset. You show up in my bed and pretend you hadn’t planned it.
What did you think? I’d just fall into your arms? Well, guess what,
you could be the best lay ever, and by the way , you weren’t ,
and it wouldn’t be enough to make me want a relationship with
    Rage almost choked me
when he pulled back as if I’d slapped him, hurt twisting his face.
God damn him, he was still, bloody well still trying to make
me swallow his act.
    “How dare you,
you… you… prick! All that shit you spewed in the summer. ‘Do you
love me, Aydan?’ What a crock. You killed my

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