Telepathy of Hearts

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Book: Telepathy of Hearts by Eve Irving Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Irving
doth bewitch me so. Oh my Eleanor of Lancaster, you torment m e and tangle my heart strings . Wolf or woman …sure to be a witch.
    Struggling with the feelings and emotions she stirred in him, he was hopeful that when he saw her there to greet him, his passion would be pacified a little by her presence.
    With his colours displayed before him, Matheus rode i n to the court yard. The banners of Lincoln gold and green pennons streamed about him. Accompanied by Richard Sline, Godwin, his best man at arms, and some twenty mounted soldiers, it was a sight of wealth and grandeur —not only to tell his bride her betrothed believed her a precious enough jewel to celebrate his good fortune with pomp and ceremony, but to protect her as they escorted her home.
    Matheus ’s brow pinched. Eleanor was not there to greet him. There was a touch of desperation in his face, his eyes as if storm clouds, a mix of blue and grey, threatening fury as they searched the courtyard.
    Matheus dismounted. Seeing Lady Bruce, he strode to her, covering the ground nearly as quickly as his mount, S i mon, would.
    Lady Bruce was flustered. She was garbled in her speech. Appearing nervous and becoming flushed as she spoke to him. “The Lady is quite queer about you, Matheus, ” Richard commented.
    â€œI warned her off Eleanor. I don ’t see it as right to threaten a lady. But after the sight of her birched I had to do what was best for my betrothed ’s protection . Mother Bear, well let ’s say she is mighty frit of me, ” Matheus replied with a tone of achievement
    There was a booming laugh from Godwin as he called to his knight. “Tha t i s not a woman frit. You have it wrong, sire. For that is a woman wanting …quite undone and you are the undoer. ”
    The soldiers laughed heartily. Matheus was a very pop u lar master and dearly be loved by his men. They enjoyed great banter and were soon joined by Richard who continued to chide his friend. Making a mooing sound and continuing to speak he said, “Tis the effect of The Bull of Lincoln. Not only do young heifers bay for him …but barren Kye bay for this bull too. ”
    Matheus shook his head at his men and told them to stand down. Taking the arm of Lady Bruce, he walked her out of earshot. His men reacted by hitting their sword hilts against the pommels of their saddles. Hollering and baying with crudest of comments.
    â€œ Pay no mind to them, Lady Bruce, they see their wives little and become lewd because of it. But mean nothing by it. ” Under his hand he could feel Lady Bruce was trembling to his touch. Fearing her frightened he reassured her, his manner and tone belaying his true emotion. He kept it calm and controlled. “ Please do not tremble so my Lady. If my b e trothed is safe than I shall be gracious with you. ”
    Lady Bruce smiled. But in truth it was obvious to ever y one else there that she would like him less gracious. His men were quite right —she was undone by him totally.
    â€œI ’m waiting. Where is Eleanor? It is custom, is it not, to greet your future husband when he calls to collect her to bring her to wife? It is fair to say I did not think she would bring me the customary sweetmeats and offer to bathe me. But to hide in her chambers is disrespectful. I am in front of my men for love of God. How can I command their respect if my future wife disrespects me so? Do I have to search for her? ”
    Lady Bruce looked up at Matheus. He was quite co n cerned about her.
    She must be sorely frit for her breathing is most l a boured and her heart it doth pound something terrible.
    Trying to steady her, afraid she might faint, he tightened his grip on her wrist and put his other hand on the small of her back.
    She was melting beneath him; only his hands stopped her from hitting the floor. She muttered, lowering her head to escape those eyes as she replied, “If only you would search me. ”
    â€œSorry, my

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