Tears of a Hustler 2

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Book: Tears of a Hustler 2 by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
laid in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Ever since Skip left, she found it hard for her to sleep at night. Every time she closed her eyes she, would think and wonder if Skip was all right. April wanted to answer Skip’s phone calls so bad, but she knew if she did, he would more than likely sweet talk his way back into her life, and continues to live the same lifestyle. April refused to live like that another day. All that street thug shit was now a thing in the past.
    April’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard a light knock on her bedroom door. “Come in,” she yelled, already knowing who it was.
    Little Michael entered the room rubbing his eyes. “Mommy can I have some cereal?”
“You sure can,” April replied, as she slid out of her comfortable bed, and headed for the kitchen. “After you eat your cereal, go wash up and put on your dress clothes. We going to church today.”
“Aww mommy I hate church,” Little Michael sucked his teeth.
“Why? What’s wrong with church?” April asked, placing her hand on her hip.
“It be so boring.”
“Okay I’ll make a deal with you. If you come, I’ll let you bring your PSP,” April said, extending her hand.
“You got yourself a deal,” Little Michael said,shaking his mother’s hand.
Once April had convinced Little Michael into coming to church, she went in her closet and pulled out an expensive dress that she only wore once when she and Skip went to some fancy restaurant.
“Yeah, I think I’m going to roll with this one,” she told herself, liking how the dress tightly hugged her hips, and showed off her curvy figure.
When April pulled up in the church’s parking lot, it was jammed packed. “Damn, I’ll have a better time finding a parking spot at a club then at church! Ain’t that a bitch?”
Before April and Little Michael entered the church, April handed Michael a five dollar bill. “Make sure you put that in the collection plate.”
“Why every time we come to church we always gotta put money in the stupid basket?” Little Michael asked with a frown. “Because that’s how you get your blessings,” April answered quickly, as she grabbed him by the wrist and entered the house of the Lord.
* * * *
    Ali sat in a naked cell all by himself staring blankly at the wall. To take his mind off of being in the box or SHU (special housing unit) as the police called it, Ali reminisced on all the good times he had before he ended up in the shit hole he was in. He thought about all the good foods he ate, and he definitely thought about all the pussy he’d gotten over the years.
    So far, Ali had been in isolation for 68 eight days and counting. Jail was already a horrible and boring place to be, but being in the box only made the time drag even more. Ali was in deep thought thinking about some pussy, when he heard somebody lightly tapping on his cell.
    “I figured you were lonely in here, so I brought you something to read,” a female C.O. said, sliding two books through the little slot.
    “Thank you, but I’m not really a big reader,” Ali said, making his way over to the cell door so he could read the C.O.’s nametag. “But I do appreciate it Ms. Ruby.”
    “Oh please call me Crystal,” she insisted.
“Crystal Ruby? What kind of name is that?”
“That’s what my moms named me.” She smiled, looking
into Ali’s eyes.
    Ali could tell that this chick was a hood chick by the way she talked and handled herself. Ali quickly looked away. He knew how much he loved hood girls, and Crystal was definitely a hood chick, but she was also a dime. What stood outabout her was she stood six feet tall which was kind of tall for a female, but she was definitely sexy wit it.
    “If you give those books a chance I’m pretty sure you will love them,” Crystal said, trying to make small talk.
Ali picked up the two books: Married To Da Streets by Silk White and Hood Rat by K’wan.
“Both of these titles sound interesting. I think I’m going to check em

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