
Read Online Tasty by Bella Cruise - Free Book Online

Book: Tasty by Bella Cruise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Cruise
[email protected]:
    I put on some lingerie. A corsette . . . 
type, and I reach for my vibe again. I hit send and then his answer
comes right back.
[email protected]:
    Oh, Muffin, tell me more!


Chapter Eight
week later. The store is as dead as slab of month-old pound cake.
I’ve already sent Summer home three times this week. Today, I
told her not to bother coming in. This isn’t good, not at all.
I haven’t even seen Mrs. O’Gilligan. I got worried enough
yesterday that I gave her a ring at the nursing home—she’s
not dead, at least. When she answered, she told me this convoluted
story about how she’s been busy cruising with her homies. But I
know the truth. This is all Cal McKenzie’s fault. His damned
pop-up shop is killing Rock N Roll Cakes, and I’m powerless to
do a thing about it.
almost noon and I haven’t had a single customer when I flip
open my laptop and meander over to my Gmail, hoping that
cupcakecasanova is online. I figure if I can’t make money, I
can at least get hot and bothered under the counter. But no dice,
he’s nowhere to be found. There’s a message from Ginny,
though, sent about fifteen minutes earlier.
[email protected]:
    Which of these invite styles do you like better?
click between the links she’s sent. They’re hardly any
different. One is a design full of loops and curlicues in blue and
grey. The other is more loops and curlicues in green and silver.
Neither does a thing for me, but then, I’ve never had much of
an eye for this sort of thing. Give me flavors over Pantone shades
any day.
[email protected]:
    They both look fine.
[email protected]:
    You must have a preference!
[email protected]:
    Honestly, Gin, my mind’s on other things.
[email protected]:
    Uh oh. Is this about Cal again?
roll my eyes. Of course Ginny called me after that disastrous double
date at Lenny’s to get the dish on what happened. And while she
did her best to listen sympathetically, at the end, she insisted that
Cal couldn’t have meant anything by it.
not like his business is an evil plot to take your business down, was
what she’d said, which stung a little. I never said it was! Cal
McKenzie is no Lex Luthor, plotting to take down Superman. I think
what’s happening is a lot more mundane than all of that. He
just doesn’t think about who he’ll stomp on on his way to
world domination. Okay, so maybe I do think he’s a little bit like Lex Luthor.
[email protected]:
    . . . what if it is?
[email protected]:
    gotta let it go. I don’t care how hot he is. It’s not
    healthy for you to be so fixated on him.
[email protected]:
    isn’t because he’s hot, Ginny, I swear. Rock N Roll Cakes
    is a graveyard right now. How would you feel if you were about to
    lose your business?
a long pause, and I know that I’ve hit Ginny where it hurts. If
she cares about anything, it’s her wedding planning business.
She lives for all the flowers, chaos, drunken uncles, and feuding
in-laws. She’d be lost without it. So I know she gets how I
feel, watching my livelihood slip through my fingers.
[email protected]:
    be devastated, Jules. Completely and utterly devastated.
[email protected]:
    I know. I am.
[email protected]:
    got to be a reason why they’re all flocking to him.
[email protected]:
    keep thinking the same thing. But it was nothing special at the Grand
    Opening. Pretentious decor and steel girders. The place left me cold.
    Sure, the cupcakes were okay ,
    and Cal’s a celebrity, but there’s got to be something
    else going on there.
[email protected]:
    Drugs in the drinking water?
[email protected]:
    LSD for everyone! But seriously, if only I could
    find out what makes Mecca Cakes so

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