Tangled Web

Read Online Tangled Web by Lizzie James - Free Book Online

Book: Tangled Web by Lizzie James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizzie James
    “Who is that?” I whispered, looking at the woman he was
with.   I turned to look at Chase and
noticed he was openly glaring at Nathan.
    “That is our cousin, Sophie,” he said.   “She freelances for a few top companies by
offering inside information on shares that have yet to come on the
market.”   Chase looked disgusted, like he
could smell something bad.   “Looks like
she’s about to close a deal.”
    “So it’s strictly business?” I asked.   She was beautiful.   Long blonde hair, lean body, beautiful
smile... and if she touches his arm again I think I may lose it.
    “Sure.” He sniggered.   “After her legs close.”  
    I looked at Chase in shock.  
    “It’s a well-known fact that Sophie likes to close her deals
flat on her back.   She’s been trying to
secure the Walker family for a while.   Kind of feel sorry for him because Sophie is a nympho.”
    “You stay away from her,” my father warned, looking at
me.   “She may be family but she’s a nasty
piece of work.   I don’t want you getting
mixed up with that type.”  
    I nodded quickly. “I won’t.” I smiled.   Chase had just destroyed any hope I may have
had for any kind of peace between my family and Nathan’s.   My mind was made up.   Nathan was bad for me.   I put a fake smile on my face.   “So are we eating or not?”
    “Sure, whatever you want, sweetheart. It’s on me.” Dad
    Once dinner was finished, Chase and Dad seemed to be in a
rush to leave.   As they tried walking me
towards the elevator I suddenly needed a pee.   This was why I didn’t make a habit of drinking champagne.  
    “I need to use the bathroom,” I whispered.
    “Every time,” Chase complained.   “Hurry up.   Can’t ever take you anywhere.”  
    The smirk on his face let me know he was teasing.   Whenever we go anywhere I always need him to
pull over because I’d need the toilet.   I
quickly went to the bathroom and did my business.   As I left the cubicle I noticed Nathan’s
dinner partner was touching up her lipstick.
    “Hello Sophie.” She looked at me with pure indifference.   Then a look of shock came on her face.
    “Oh my God, Chloe.” She squealed, wrapping her arms around
me in a hug.   “It’s so nice to officially
meet you.”  
    I was so shocked how nice she was.   Chase painted her in such a terrible light I
expected her to ignore me.
    “Who are you here with?” she asked, holding me at arm’s
length by the shoulders.   Before I could
answer she carried on.   “If I’d known you
were here I would have come across and said hello.   Are you here with Chase?”
    “Dad’s treating us to dinner.” I smiled.   “And you’re here with...?”   I was hoping she’d give up some details.  
    She smirked as I asked this. “I’m here with Nathan Walker.” She
leaned closer.   “We’re related so I can
be honest with you.   Sexiest man in
    I must have looked shocked because she quickly
    “I know what you’re thinking.   He’s a Walker.   There’s no way a Johnson and a Walker could
be anything besides bitter enemies.   Thankfully I’m not Chase Johnson’s little sister.” She laughed.   “Which means, for me, Nathan Walker is fair
game.”   She quickly tucked her purse
under her arm and walked ahead of me out of the bathroom.
    I wanted to smack her head into the wall.   I wanted to tell her how wrong she was and
that Nathan wasn’t fair game.   But I
couldn’t.   Nathan wasn’t mine.   Never gave any indication that he wanted to
be mine.   Moving to London was supposed
to make things easier.   Not make things
worse and ten times more difficult.
    As we exited the bathroom, Nathan, my father and Chase stood
side by side.   They couldn’t have looked
more awkward.   Chase quickly wrapped his
arm around my shoulders and walked me to the elevators. I looked over my
shoulder. Nathan smirked when he did this.   Like he knew Chase was

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