Taming the VIP Playboy

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Book: Taming the VIP Playboy by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
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    Fine. I’m at Nate’s. Sorry I didn’t call sooner.
    There was no reply for what seemed like forever and then her phone rang.
    â€œHello, Marcia.”
    â€œJen, what are you thinking?”
    Jen had asked herself the same thing more than once and she still had no idea. “I don’t know. I do know that my old life is completely gone and it’s time to try something new.”
    Marcia sighed. “Sweetie, just be careful. Deciding to have a different attitude isn’t as painless as you might think.”
    â€œWas it like that for you?”
    â€œWhen Riley was born?”
    â€œYes,” Jen said.
    â€œSort of. I knew before he was born that I was goingto be raising him alone and that wasn’t what you and I were taught was a good family for a child.”
    â€œI know. But Riley has turned out great,” Jen reminded her sister.
    â€œHe has, but it was hard. And I had no choice with him. From the moment I learned I was pregnant I wanted him. This change for you is your doing.”
    Jen didn’t point out that so was her sister’s pregnancy. Marcia was eighteen months older than her and thought she was always right.
    â€œI am taking control of my life,” Jen said. “Yesterday when I got that letter continuing my suspension and realized that the old life I had was completely closed to me, I thought it’s time to figure out who I am.”
    â€œAnd being with Nate is going to help?” Marcia asked.
    â€œI have no idea, but I was impulsive for the first time in my life. You know I’ve never done anything that wasn’t to forward my dance career from the time I started dancing. Literally, Marcia, I can’t remember a time when dance wasn’t the focus of my life.”
    â€œI know. I remember how dancing took up every second of our lives.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” Jen said. “I know that wasn’t fair to you.”
    â€œYou're talented, kiddo. I forgave you a long time ago for being so good at it.”
    Jen laughed. “Thank you.”
    â€œFor forgiving you?”
    â€œNo, for being my big sister and loving me.”
    â€œNot a problem. Where is Nate?” Marcia asked.
    â€œShowering. I’m on his patio overlooking Biscayne Bay. The view is incredible.”
    Jen stood up and walked around the pool and sat onone of the padded benches next to the water. “It’s like I’m not even in the city.”
    â€œEnjoy being in that different world,” Marcia said. “But remember that being impulsive always has consequences. And eventually you are going to have to come back to earth.”
    â€œI will. I’m working at five today but will be home by ten tonight.”
    â€œI’ll see you then. Are you off tomorrow?”
    â€œYes. Why?”
    â€œRiley wants to go to the park with his favorite auntie.”
    â€œTell him it’s a date,” Jen said and hung up.
    â€œWho do you have a date with?” Nate asked, stepping out on to the patio.
    She hung up the phone and then turned to look over her shoulder at Nate. “Riley…my nephew. We usually spend Sunday together at the park. I take him for the morning and let my sister sleep in. It’s the one day a week she can.”
    â€œI want to hear more about your family,” he said.
    The housekeeper brought out their breakfast and then left. Nate gestured for Jen to come sit down at the glass-topped table.
    When she was seated next to him, he poured them both some coffee. “What does your sister do?”
    â€œShe’s a lawyer,” Jen said.
    â€œSo she’s smart like you,” Nate said. “What kind of law does she practice?”
    â€œFamily law. She does divorces and custody hearings,” Jen said. “I don’t know how she does it, but she really likes it. Her job is really demanding and with Riley she has no free time.”
    â€œWhere is Riley’s dad?” Nate

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