Taming the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance Novella
terrified. She should take the way out Jack was giving her
and run the hell away.
    But if she did that, it would be herself she
was running from. And she didn’t want to do that anymore.
    Even so, she was a heartbeat away from doing
it. From running.
    Only she waited a second too long.
    Jack had never looked less human as he came
for her, a savage growl in his throat. If reason and logic had any
part in this, she would have reminded herself reasonably and
logically that he probably wasn’t intending to attack her—at least
not in the fight-to-the-death kind of way. But she was still in the
grip of fear, the deepest fear she’d ever known, and when he came
within striking distance, she struck.
    He parried the blow with ease and came at her
again, and Liz, falling back on instinct, went into full-blown
warrior mode. And Jack was Jack, powerful and relentless, and it
took every ounce of her skill and strength just to hold him
    This was their last battle. She could kill
him, or she could surrender, body and soul. This was her final
stand, and she knew it.
    Not a word was spoken. Liz was panting, but
that was the only sound outside the dull thud of fists and feet, of
flesh striking flesh, and muffled grunts when a blow landed.
    Jack’s demon face was feral, inhuman, and
should have inspired nothing but fear. And yet she was filled with
a strange exhilaration.
    They were perfectly matched. The warrior in
her felt a rush of joy, a sense of completion she’d never felt with
another opponent. She saw herself in Jack, this glorious, savage
being, everything in him actualized in the raw intensity of
physical passion.
    This was a poem they were speaking, brutal
and blinding. It had no words. Only their bodies could etch it into
the air, into each other.
    God, she loved him like this.
    That one thought was her undoing. As she
heard the words echo in her mind, she knew the truth. She was in
love with Jack. And the enormity of that realization made her
falter for a second—less than a second. Less than a second, but it
was enough. With a blazing light in his eyes Jack threw her to the
ground and landed on top of her, trapping her body with his.
    “You’re mine,” he growled, more beast than
man. She knew the demon was in control right now, and she didn’t
know what was coming. He might bite her, savage her, rip her open.
But it didn’t matter. She was his, and with a long, shuddering
breath, she let the knowledge come into her mind, her body, her
    The fight was over.
    “You’re mine,” he said again, and Liz’s mouth
was so dry she could hardly speak.
    “Yes,” she whispered, knowing he could feel
the yielding in her body, the yielding in every part of her.
Instinctively she turned her head to the side, exposing her throat
and the marks the other vampire had made.
    Jack growled deep in his chest, and as much
as she wanted this her heart was hammering with fear. She closed
her eyes tight.
    Then she felt him at her throat.
    She expected it to hurt. The other vampire’s
bite had hurt horribly. But Jack entered her like a slice of
moonlight, with barely a sting...as if he were coming home.
    “Ohhhhh....” she breathed, her eyes snapping
open. Every nerve ending, every cell in her body was focused on his
cool fangs sliding into her. Her muscles were taut, trembling,
waiting for something, waiting...
    Then he fastened his mouth on her neck and
took a slow pull of her blood. She gasped as exquisite sensation
shot through her, more voluptuous than orgasm, making her jerk and
spasm beneath him.
    Then his fangs were gone and he was licking
her throat. His tongue moved gently over her skin, and every time
he touched his marks Liz felt a jolt between her legs.
    She was still vibrating with pleasure when
she felt Jack go still, his face buried against her shoulder. After
a minute he pulled back, his features human again, his blue eyes
searching hers anxiously.
    What he saw there must have reassured him.
His expression

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